
Brazil promotes side event on biofuels in Copenhagen

08/12/2009 - Secretariat for Social Communication of the Presidency of Brazil - Bioenergy and climate change are the themes of a side event promoted by the Brazilian Government during the COP 15. The panel "The contribution of biofuels to climate change mitigation" will be held on December 8, 1pm, in the Victor Borg room at the Bella Center, in Copenhagen.

The goal is to clarify issues related to bioenergy as a low carbon energy source. Experts and scientist dedicated to the theme will provide answers to the main negotiators of the COP-15, contributing with consistent information to orient the negotiation process. Besides Brazil, heads of delegation from the United States and Sweden were invited for this event, both developed countries with advanced positions on the theme.

The event will be chaired by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Under-Secretary General for Energy and High Technology, ambassador André Amado, with the participation of the Director of Environment and Special Themes, Ambassador Luiz Alberto Figueiredo Machado, head of the Brazilian delegation at COP 15.

The panel of experts will be moderated by the director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Energy Department, Minister André Aranha Corrêa do Lago. Main speakers include Ricardo Dornelles, Director of the Renewable Fuels Department from the Ministry of Mines and Energy; Melinda Kimble, Senior Vice President and responsible for the "International Bioenergy Initiative" from the UN Foundation; José Domingos Gonzalez Miguez, Executive Secretary of the Interministerial Commission on Global Climate Change; and Thelma Krug, Researcher from the National Institute for Space Research (Inpe).

Guest speakers will explore issues related to the decrease of emissions in low income communities in developing countries, through bioenergy. They are: Eduardo Mallmann, from USI (Intelligent Social Plants), who will share the experiences on micro distilleries; and Harry Stokes, from Projeto Gaia, who will talk about biofuels for coction, in replacement of fossil fuel or charcoal. There will be also the participation of academics, representatives from the private sector and civil society.


13h00 - Opening, followed by Sweden and United States.

13h15 - 13h45 - Experts Panel: José Miguez (Executive Secretary of the Interministerial Commission on Global Climate Change); Thelma Krug (Researcher from the National Institute for Space Research); Ricardo Dornelles (Director of the Renewable Fuels Department from the Ministry of Mines and Energy); and Guest Speakers: (Eduardo Mallmann (USI); Harry Stokes (Projeto Gaia); and representatives from the private sector and civil society.

Do Ministério do Meio Ambiente



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