at climate talks: Polar ice may go in five years
computer modeling suggests the Arctic Ocean may be nearly
ice-free in the summertime as early as 2014, Al Gore said
Monday at the UN climate conference.
- Northern polar sea ice has been retreating dramatically.
These new projections suggest an almost-vanished summer
ice cap much earlier than foreseen by a US government agency
just eight months ago.
is hard to capture the astonishment that the experts in
the science of ice felt when they saw this," former
US Vice President Gore told reporters and other conference
participants at a joint briefing with Scandinavian officials
and scientists, his first appearance at the two-week session.
group presented two new reports updating fast-moving developments
in Antarctica, the autonomous Danish territory of Greenland,
and the rest of the Arctic.
time for collective and immediate action on climate change
is now," said Denmark's foreign minister, Per Stig
and Danish ice scientist Dorthe Dahl Jensen clicked through
two slide shows for a standing-room-only crowd of hundreds
in a side event at the Bella Center conference site.
report, on the Greenland ice sheet, was issued by the Arctic
Monitoring and Assessment Program, an expert group formed
by eight Arctic governments, including the United States.
The other, commissioned by Gore and Norway's government,
was compiled by the Norwegian Polar Institute on the status
of ice melt worldwide.
cited new scientific work at the US Naval Postgraduate School,
whose Arctic ice research is important for planning polar
voyages by Navy submarines. The computer modeling there
stresses the "volumetric," looking not just at
the surface extent of ice but its thickness as well.
of the models suggest that there is a 75 percent chance
that the entire north polar ice cap during some of the summer
months will be completely ice-free within the next five
to seven years," Gore said.
office later said he meant nearly ice-free, because ice
would be expected to survive in island channels and other
US government scientists dismissed projections of such rapid
melting as excessive.
possible but not likely," said Mark Serreze of the
US National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colorado.
"We're sticking with 2030."
what's happening to Greenland's titanic ice sheet "has
really surprised us," said Jensen of the University
of Copenhagen.
cited one huge glacier in west Greenland, at Jakobshavn,
that in recent years has doubled its rate of dumping ice
into the sea. Between melted land ice and heat expansion
of ocean waters, the sea-level rise has increased from 1.8
millimeters a year to 3.4 millimeters (.07 inch a year to
.13 inch) in the past 10 years.
said the biggest ice sheets — Greenland and West Antarctica
— were already contributing one millimeter (.04 inch)
a year to those rising sea levels. She said this could double
within the next decade.
global warming, we have woken giants," she said.