
China: Poor countries are first in line for funding

So far the majority of internationally funded projects under the Kyoto Protocol have been in China. But other countries need the funds more urgently according to Vice Foreign Minister He Yafei.
Morten Andersen - 15/12/2009 - China will no longer take the lion’s share of international funding for carbon mitigation projects under the UN-backed Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). This is according to an interview given by Vice Foreign Minister He Yafei to the Financial Times earlier this week. The statements were first interpreted as if China would refrain totally from any financing under the scheme, but that view has now been corrected.

Foreign ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu tells My Sinchew that the minister “had said China was focussed on the special concerns of the least developed countries, African countries and the small island countries” and that Beijing was “willing to give priority to these countries in using the capital assistance given by developed countries”.

Still, this does not mean that China will abandon international funding, Jiang Yu clarifies:

“China, relying on its own resources, has taken a lot of measures and made great achievements. If we could get enough international support, I believe that China could do an even better job in protecting the global environment as well as fighting climate change.”

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Developing world threatens battle on drafts

African countries, Brazil, China, South Africa and India say they have produced a default proposal to be used only if rich countries try to shortcut UN-led negotiations in Copenhagen.
Morten Andersen - 15/12/2009 - At the ongoing UN conference on climate change, COP15, a group consisting of African countries plus the BASIC block – Brazil, South Africa, India and China – have drawn up a text for a new global agreement.

However, the text is only "ready in the wings (…) if any of the other groups springs a surprise draft (…) then the G-77 (Group of 77, representing most of the world’s developing countries) would put out this text," the Hindustan Times reports, quoting India's Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh:

"We are holding it (…) if there is a "Danish" we will produce "ABASIC"," the minister says.

By a "Danish" the minister hints at a draft text allegedly produced by the Copenhagen conference’s host last week, claimed to favor developed countries.

"ABASIC" is an acronym combining an A for Africa with BASIC, which is an informal group consisting of Brazil, South Africa, India and China.

In another interview Jairam Ramesh indicates that the default text may never be released, as the negotiations are already hampered by too many drafts:

"I think the way the (UN) working groups are functioning is not conducive to creating any form of consensus. Right now I'm really confused. If you want to maintain your sanity, don’t look at drafts," Mr. Ramesh tells Bloomberg.




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