
Japan to unveil 10 billion dollars in climate aid

A pledge of funds from rich countries will be a key ingredient for any climate change deal in Copenhagen. Japan is ready to make an offer in Copenhagen.
Rie Jerichow - 15/12/2009 - When Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama lands in Copenhagen for the UN climate summit, he will bring along an offer of 10 billion US dollars to help developing countries fight global warming, the Tokyo Shimbun daily reports, according to Reuters.

The pledge of 10 billion dollars over three years, including steps to protect biodiversity, is more than previously announced.

According to Reuters, Environment Minister Sakihito Ozawa last week declined to say how much Japan - the world's fifth largest emitter of greenhouse gases - would contribute, but said that the government wanted to pay more than a previously announced 9.2 billion dollars over three years.

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US long-term climate aid unlikely to be disclosed

The EU and Japan may not sign on to an agreement on climate aid funding that combines short-term and long-term aid numbers without the US being clear it can do its share, sources say.
Rie Jerichow - 15/12/2009 - The US is unlikely to improve its reduction target at the ongoing UN climate summit in Copenhagen. Nor will the US disclose the pledge it is willing to give poorer countries to help cope with global warming beyond 2012, an official close to the talks says according to Bloomberg.

While negotiators are well on their way to a short-term finance package, the long–term package causes problems.

"The long-term package is the one they are having trouble with and the one that's going to be left to the final day for the heads of state," says Alden Meyer, director of policy at the US-based Union of Concerned Scientists.

However, the US may sign on to an agreement that includes a combined long-term financial goal for industrialized countries to pay to the developing world, Bloomberg reports.

"The problem is, I don't think the European Union and Japan will agree on a combined number that assumes the US is doing its share without the US being clear it can do its share," says said Alden Meyer, director of policy at the US-based Union of Concerned Scientists.




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