
European Parliament: Show responsibility

It would be a bad signal for humanity, if leaders of the world fail to reach an agreement on climate change in Copenhagen, says the official delegation from the European Parliament.
Rie Jerichow - 17/12/2009 - Leaders of the world must take the necessary responsibility in the upcoming 48 hours, urge members of the official delegation of 15 MEPs, who are closely following the negotiations for a climate change agreement in Copenhagen

"Some states still refuse to put forward ambitious proposals for global climate protection. China has to take its responsibility as the largest polluter in the world. Similarly, India, Brazil and South Africa must emerge from the G77 group and take a clear position. An agreement without the major emerging economies would not be enough to halt climate change," says Jo Leinen, head of the official European Parliament delegation at the UN climate negotiations in Copenhagen.

Regardless of a deadlock in negotiations, the EU must keep the flag flying. Lowering the EU's targets for 2020 would encourage other states to move their own climate protection targets, warns the delegation.

"The European Union must stand firm on its climate change objectives and must not lose sight of its offer of a 30 percent reduction in EU greenhouse gas emissions by 2020... A weakening of the 30 percent target would put Europe's leadership in the climate negotiations in question," Leinen says in a press release.




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