
The US insists on Transparency

In partnership with other countries, the US will try to mobilise 100 billion dollars a year for climate aid by 2020, according to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The US insists that funding will only be granted if developing countries allow for full transparency of their emissions.
Marianne Bom - 17/12/2009 - US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrived in Copenhagen on Thursday just as climate negotiations had “reached a critical junction” and talks were “difficult”, as she said at a press briefing.

Hillary Clinton confirmed that the US wants strong action to combat climate change. She hoped that negotiations would take important steps forward within few hours, as “we all face the same challenge together”.

The Secretary of State confirmed that the US will pay its share of the short term financing of adaptation and mitigation in developing countries during the next three years. The US is also “prepared to work together with other countries” to raise 100 billion US dollars annually by 2020.

“In the context of a strong accord, in which all major economies stand behind meaningful mitigation actions and provide full transparency as to their implementation, the United States is prepared to work with other countries toward a goal of jointly mobilising 100 billion dollars a year by 2020 to address the climate change needs of developing countries," she said.

Hillary Clinton stressed that the US wanted the funding to benefit the poorest and most vulnerable countries, and insisted that developing countries allow measurement, reporting and verification of emissions curbs as part of a deal.

Larger developing countries have – according to various media reports – so far rejected this proposal.

"It would be hard to imagine, speaking for the United States, that there could be the legal or financial commitment that I've just announced in the absence of transparency from the second biggest emitter, and now I guess the first biggest," she said with a hint to China, Reuters reported.

"There has to be a willingness to move toward transparency in whatever forum we finally determine is appropriate. So if there is not even a commitment to pursue transparency, that's kind of a dealbreak for us," she said.




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