09/03/2005 - The Environment
Agency is launching a campaign to advise older
people living in flood risk areas what they
can do to cope with potential flooding. Almost
50 Dial-a-ride minibuses will be carrying
advertisements reminding people to be prepared
for flooding and carrying the Floodline telephone
number and website address.
Older people have been specifically targeted
by the Agency as research shows that they
find being flooded hard to cope with. But
there is a lot they can do to be prepared
for flooding and help to prevent damage to
valuable or irreplaceable items.
Dial-a-ride buses have been chosen as many
older people use them and many of the services
operate in flood risk areas such as Whittlesey.
Other areas covered by the advertising will
include towns as far north as Grimsby, down
the East Coast to Hunstanton, across to Leighton
Buzzard in Bedfordshire, and through Northampton.
Around 25,000 Dial- a-ride members will see
the advertising, with potential for it to
be seen by over 3 million other people.
As well as advertisements on the buses giving
contact phone number, bus drivers will be
handing out a special guide written for older
people on practical things they can do to
be prepared flooding.
Commenting on the campaign, Joanne Hayward,
Corporate Affairs Manager said, "It's
important that we reach everyone in the community
who is at risk from flooding. Older people
are particularly vulnerable, but we're trying
to make sure that they are as prepared as
possible in case there is flooding."
The new leaflet is also available by ringing
the Environment Agency's Floodline number
0845 988 1188.
Dial-a-ride services have been operating
in the UK for over 25 years. There are hundreds
of these community transport operators throughout
the UK who offer a scheduled, door-to-door
minibus service. People are collected from
their homes and taken into town centres, shopping
centres or other venues.