31/03/2005 - The Environment
Agency today (Thursday) welcomed the Government’s
commitment to achieving sustainable communities,
as the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister
launched the Thames Gateway strategy report,
Making it Happen: Delivering the Thames Gateway.
This report highlights the Government’s strategy
and key objectives for the Thames Gateway
development over the next five years, including
the commitment to the Code for Sustainable
Buildings, which comes into place in April
The Thames Gateway development represents
some important challenges and opportunities
for all involved. The Environment Agency believes
that, with good planning and the right infrastructure,
the Thames Gateway development can be a real
showcase for building and living in harmony
with the natural environment.
Making it Happen: Delivering the Thames Gateway
not only provides a strategic vision for the
Thames Gateway as a whole, but also makes
an important step in looking at how the key
environmental issues facing the Thames Gateway
development will be dealt with. These include
managing flood risk, reducing and managing
waste, proper use of natural resources, providing
green spaces and building sustainably.
Tackling these issues will include finding
affordable technology and feasible solutions
for managing flood risk, ensuring new homes
are built with water and energy efficient
devices, providing improved wildlife habitats
and open spaces and finding better ways to
manage waste and clean up brownfield land.
This focus on sustainability will be supported
by the Government's commitment to the Code
for Sustainable Buildings, which is fully
endorsed by the Environment Agency. The new
Code will mean that all Government funded
housing will include improvements in water
and energy efficiency and waste.
Environment Agency Regional director Chris
Birks said:
“The Environment Agency wants to ensure that
tomorrow’s generations enjoy a better place
to live, with a cleaner, healthier environment.
We recognise the challenges but believe that
a successful outcome can be achieved through
working in partnership to deal with the pressures
of the environment and through implementation
of best practice throughout the development.
Today's strategy provides a focus, and we
are looking forward to seeing it delivered
on the ground over the next five years.”