Department sets up dedicated
response team
15/03/2005: The Department of Environmental
Affairs and Tourism has set up a dedicated
Red Tide Response Team as part of its response
to the detection of a toxic red tide along
the entire West Coast, from Doring Bay to
as far east as Cape Agulhus.
The Response Team who is headed by Noel Williams,
who is responsible for integrated coastal
management in the department, reiterated the
call made by the department to members of
the public not to collect and/or eat ANY shellfish
in the affected area until further notice.
More cases of Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning
(PSP) have been reported to the department.
Symptoms include tingling and numbness of
the mouth, lips and fingers, difficulty in
breathing, accompanied by general muscular
weakness and lack of coordination. In severe
cases it can cause paralysis.
Red Tides are natural phenomena and usually
occur as a result of abnormally high production
of plankton following periods of coastal up-welling.
Shellfish such as mussels, clams, bait and
oysters are particularly vulnerable to red
tides because they filter-feed. An accumulation
of toxic plankton - and in this case Paralytic
Shellfish Poisoning (PSP) and Diarrhetic Shellfish
Poisoning (DSP) - in the digestive system
of the these filter feeders will subsequently
cause illness.
The department's scientists and inspectors
are monitoring the situation very closely
and are taking daily samples of water and
mussels to determine the toxicity levels.
Results from yesterday samples proved high
levels of toxicity, confirming the danger
to consume these organisms.
The Department's inspectors have embarked
on an information awareness process with communities
along the coast, providing relevant information
and advising them not to collect or eat shellfish
in the affected areas. Information brochures
are distributed and posters are put up at
central pubic places and at all affected harbours.
The departmental response team is monitoring
satellite images regularly to determine the
extent of the red tide and to assess its movement
along the coast. The department is also in
liaison with relevant stakeholders and other
government institutions to collectively maximise
and strengthen response measures.
Anyone suspecting that they may have been
poisoned should consult a doctor as soon as
possible. For further information on the symptoms
of PSP and DSP the Tygerberg Poison Information
Centre can be contacted at 021 931 6129.
The department's Red Tide Information line,
021 434 4457, remains in place. Members of
the public could call this number to get the
latest updated status of the red tide.