10/05/2005 - The Australian
Government's focus on the hard work of community
environment groups is reflected in the 2005-06
Budget, the Minister for the Environment and
Heritage, Senator Ian Campbell, and the Minister
for Fisheries, Forestry and Conservation,
Senator Ian Macdonald, announced today.
Community organisations will be able to do
more to help save water and improve the health
of their local waterways thanks to the $200
million Community Water Grants programme.
"The Australian Government is delivering
on its 2004 election commitment of $200 million
over five years through the Australian Government's
Community Water Grants," Senator Campbell
"With over $1 million already granted
for water community demonstration projects
all over the country, we will soon be calling
for applications for the $48.2 million allocated
in grants under the programme in 2005-06."
Senator Macdonald said: "These grants
will help organisations such as schools, volunteer
groups or local governments implement on-the-ground
water saving solutions."
The Community Water Grants are an important
component of the Government's $2 billion Australian
Water Fund, which promotes increased productivity
and better environmental and social outcomes
through investment in smart water infrastructure
and technologies, improved knowledge and water
management, and better practices in the stewardship
of Australia's water resources.
This programme comes on top of the $20 million
to be delivered to community organisations
in 2005-06 through the $3 billion Natural
Heritage Trust's Envirofund.
Envirofund has already helped thousands of
organisations tackle local problems such as
salinity, water quality and coastal erosion
with practical work like tree planting, fencing,
weeding and seed-collecting.
"As well, the Government is spending
$40 million to help defeat the weeds menace
over the next four years, through on-ground
actions by communities and regions, research
and public awareness," Senator Macdonald
"Boosting grants to local groups reflects
the Government's increasing focus on funding
direct, practical action to tackle our national
environmental challenges," the Ministers