25/05/2005 - A new byelaw
to protect inter tidal habitat from mechanical
scallop dredging in the Fal and Helford estuaries
in Cornwall has been brought in by the Environment
The move comes after six local boats were
observed dredging for scallops in Carrick
Roads in the Fal estuary in the winter of
2002/03 and concerns were raised over the
damage to sensitive habitat.
The Fal and Helford estuaries are the most
south westerly in Britain and the largest
in England. The site is part of a candidate
European Special Area of Conservation (cSAC),
which includes large areas of Falmouth Bay.
The area features a range of rare habitats
including sandbanks, maerl, seagrass and gravel
beds. All these are vulnerable to damage from
this type of fishing.
Public pressure and concerns from English
Nature originally resulted in scallop dredging
being banned from this area for a period of
12 months from October 2003.
During this temporary ban the Environment
Agency consulted extensively on the impact
of the dredging. The clear result, supported
by commercial fishermen, conservation and
recreational organisations, was that mechanical
scallop dredging is not compatible with the
long-term sustainable management of the estuary.
The Environment Agency then formally applied
to Defra with a proposed byelaw to ban dredging,
which was introduced this February.
Simon Toms from the Environment Agency said:
"We are confident that this byelaw will
help secure and protect the sensitive and
unique species and habitats present within
the Fal and Helford estuaries. This move will
benefit the environment and secure its future
for the enjoyment of future generations."
**A video clip of underwater scallop dredging,
showing the impact on the sea floor is available,
along with email of pictures of maerl and
seagrass and a copy of the byelaws. For details
please contact the Environment Agency press
office on 01392 442008.**