15/06/2005 – WWF calls
on European cities and big energy consumers
to follow Zurich’s example in promoting energy
efficiency. Zurich is the first city in the
world to buy only energy efficient household
appliances for properties owned by the city
authority – an initiative launched today in
co-operation with WWF.
This is a win-win situation for the tenants
of around 10,000 flats owned by the city of
Zurich. They will see their domestic energy
bills cut by around CHF 100 per household
per year, when they start using the efficient
fridges and washing machines. WWF estimates
that the city of Zurich will save around 2
million-kilowatt hours of electricity each
year – this is equivalent to around 1,000
tons of CO2 pollution.
"If Zurich can lead the way towards
energy efficiency at a local level, the EU
should be able to boost energy efficiency
in Europe across the public and private sector,
and dramatically cut both electricity consumption
and CO2 pollution," says Jean-Philippe
Denruyter, Climate and Energy Policy Officer
at WWF European Policy Office.
WWF calls on European Energy Ministers to
make similar efforts at the forthcoming Energy
Council, on 27-28 June, when a directive aimed
at increasing energy efficiency in Europe
will be discussed. WWF urges EU Ministers
to support ambitious mandatory energy efficiency
targets for the public and the private sectors.
"Efficient appliances have major financial
benefits and are a significant contribution
to our fight against dangerous climate change,"
declared Hans-Peter Fricker, CEO of WWF Switzerland.
"37 percent of global CO2 emissions are
caused by electricity production. Switzerland
does not run coal-fired power stations, but
we are closely connected to the European power
grid. Switzerland contributes to climate change
through its electricity consumption."
According to WWF, all European cities and
big energy consumers should adopt the Zurich
acquisition-guideline. This will fuel competition
between appliance producers.
Authorities in charge of Zurich’s new buildings
and renovation of existing buildings are being
told to purchase only highly efficient appliances,
to be found in the online database www.topten.info
"Upcoming EU legislation must ensure
that appliances become more efficient in the
near future. By buying efficient appliances
consumers give a very clear signal to manufacturers.
Inefficient cookers, fridges and washing machines
belong to museums", added Denruyter.
• The TopTen website is available in Switzerland
(www.topten.ch) and France and soon will be
released in other European countries (www.topten.info).
With this tool big and small consumers have
easy access to latest information about efficient
appliances. It empowers them to save money
by saving energy and to help fighting climate
• Interested communities and real-estate
administrations can find the checklist for
the acquisition of economic household appliances
on www.energiestadt-zuerich.ch.
• Pictures of the launch of the initiative
in Zurich are available for download on www.wwf.ch/fotos(from
6.30 p.m.)