Exxon is a fossil fuel
dinosaur: It's time to embrace clean energy
technology like wind and solar.
12/07/2005 — We all know by now that fossil
fuels are causing global warming, and that
it’s time to make the switch to renewable
energy and find a way out of our oil addiction.
But someone forgot to share the news with
ExxonMobil. When it comes to dinosaur fossil
fuel companies, Exxon is the biggest and the
meanest of the pack.
ExxonMobil has spent millions to confuse
the public about global warming by denying
scientific findings and derailing policies
that would solve the problem. And Exxon has
been directly linked to influencing the Bush
administration’s backwards policies on global
warming. Exxon is not part of the solution,
they ARE the problem.
That’s why Greenpeace has been working to
expose Exxon’s secrets since 2001. And now,
some of the nation’s largest and best-respected
environmental and political organizations
are joining the fight with the ExxposeExxon
We’ve proven that Exxon is a beast. Now it’s
up to you to slay the dragon and save the
world. It’s simple:
Don’t buy ExxonMobil gas
Don’t invest in Exxon stock
Don’t work for Exxon
Help make Exxon exxtinct.
Tell Exxon’s CEO to get out of the Stone
Age and embrace clean energy technology.