04/07/2005 - Remote Indigenous
communities in the Northern Territory will
benefit from an Australian Government investment
of more than $600,000 for two pilot projects
aimed at ensuring better management of used
oil and other waste products.
Announced today by the Minister for the Environment
and Heritage Senator Ian Campbell, the two
projects were proposed by the Local Government
Association of the Northern Territory, which
will be charged with their administration.
Senator Campbell said five sites had been
chosen for the Northern Oil Hub and Ntaria
Community pilot projects and would be developed
according to need and community interest.
"These projects will demonstrate and
help implement best practice used oil and
waste management to Indigenous island, coastal
and desert communities in the Northern Territory,"
Senator Campbell said.
"Both proposals involve on-site recycling
and integration with other waste streams and
demonstrate a sustainable and efficient approach
to the problem of waste management in remote
areas - particularly of used oil - which is
a significant environmental issue.
"By implementing better waste management
practices, these remote areas gain a social
benefit as well as an environmental benefit
through cleaner, safer communities."
Both projects have the support of the Alice
Springs Office of Indigenous Policy Coordination
and the Indigenous Coordination Centre.
Senator Campbell said the pilots were consistent
with the Council of Australian Government's
vision to reduce disadvantages for Indigenous
people and would help to inform and support
other Government initiatives in the area of
Indigenous affairs.
The grant funding for the projects is part
of the Australian Government's $34.5 million,
seven-year Product Stewardship for Oil Program
(PSO) aimed at providing transitional assistance
to support the implementation of product stewardship