- The Lake Eyre Basin Ministerial Forum met for the
fourth time today in Adelaide. The Ministerial Forum
was established under the Lake Eyre Basin Inter-governmental
Agreement, signed by the Australian, Queensland and
South Australian Governments in 2000 and the Northern
Territory in 2004. The Agreement provides for the sustainable
management of water and related natural resources within
the Lake Eyre Basin Agreement area.
The Ministerial Forum comprises the Australian Government
Minister for the Environment and Heritage, Senator the
Hon Ian Campbell (Chairman), the Queensland Minister
for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy, the Hon Henry
Palaszczuk MP, the South Australian Minister for Environment
and Conservation, the Hon John Hill MP and the Northern
Territory Minister for Central Australia, the Hon Dr
Peter Toyne MP.
During the meeting, Minister Campbell recognised the
important contribution being made by members of the
Ministerial Forum's Community Advisory Committee and
Scientific Advisory Panel.
"The Community Advisory Committee and Scientific
Advisory Panel are playing a vital role in supporting
the implementation of the Agreement," Minister
Campbell said. These two important groups played a key
role in securing $480,000 of Natural Heritage Trust
funding for a study of people, communities and economies
of the Lake Eyre Basin.
This study is one important project being undertaken
in 2005-06 and will enhance on ground natural resource
management outcomes in the Basin.
Other key outcomes from the meeting included:
• Agreement to proceed with the second phase of the
Lake Eyre Basin Rivers Assessment including on-ground
pilot projects such as floodplain salinity mapping methods
and waterbird breeding assessment in the Basin.
• Agreement to increased Indigenous consultation initiatives
in the Lake Eyre Basin.
• Approval of appointments to the Lake Eyre Basin Community
Advisory Committee, including representatives from the
mining, tourism and conservation sectors.
• Agreement to the objectives for the 2006 review of
the Lake Eyre Basin Intergovernmental Agreement.
• Agreement to implement twelve priority strategies
to address cross border impacts in the Lake Eyre Basin
such as weeds and feral management activities, in collaboration
with key regional groups.
• Confirmation of arrangements for the next Lake Eyre
Basin Conference to be held in Port Augusta in September
2006, the International Year of the Desert and Desertification.
A major achievement in 2004-05 was completion of the
draft Lake Eyre Basin Hydrological Atlas and the installation
of three automatic stream gauging stations in the Basin.
"The improved knowledge and understanding of the
Basin's hydrology will assist natural resource management
planning and activities throughout the Lake Eyre Basin"
Minister Campbell said. "The Atlas will also provide
important baseline data for the Lake Eyre Basin Rivers
Assessment Project."
The Ministerial Forum noted that South Australia had
undertaken a review of the boundaries of the Agreement
area in that State and that the South Australian Government
is considering the outcomes of the review, including
possible expansion of the LEB Agreement area in SA.
The Ministerial Forum also noted the cooperative cross
border consultation between Queensland, South Australia
and the Northern Territory in the development of a water
resource plan for the Queensland component of the Georgina
and Diamantina Rivers.
"The Lake Eyre Basin Agreement demonstrates a successful
partnership between the South Australian, Northern Territory,
Queensland and Australian Governments to manage one
of Australia's largest and most intact river catchments".