- The Australian Minister for the Environment and Heritage,
Senator Ian Campbell, has welcomed the environmental benefits
of BP Australia’s E10 ethanol blend fuel launched yesterday
in Canberra.
Senator Campbell said work undertaken by the CSIRO has
confirmed that ethanol blends have the potential to deliver
a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of between two
and five per cent, when compared with neat petrols.
"The availability of E10 fuel, which is a blend of
10 per cent ethanol and unleaded petrol, is an important
step towards building consumer confidence in ethanol blends,"
Senator Campbell said.
"Much of Australia’s ethanol is made from starch
waste derived from grain. To convert this type of waste
into a workable fuel is a sensible way forward.
"The Prime Minister’s announcement in September on
the Government's assistance package to the biofuels industry
has prompted a range of initiatives from the petroleum
"The news from BP means that moves to have the Australian
Government car fleet use ethanol blends such as E10 are
now more feasible." |