- London, United Kingdom — Greenpeace climbers scuppered
Tony Blair's nuclear announcement by delaying the UK Prime
Minister's planned pro-nuclear speech at the Confederation
of British Industry (CBI) annual conference.
Two Greenpeace climbers scaled the ceiling above the speaker's
podium holding banners saying 'nuclear - wrong answer'
and then dropping down 'radioactive' confetti, preventing
Blair from speaking in the main gallery.
The speech has been widely promoted by Blair's spin doctors
as being a vehicle for announcing a further energy review
- and for Blair to indicate his personal support for more
nuclear power stations being built across the UK.
Stephen Tindale Director of Greenpeace UK said, "Today
Blair is trying to launch a new nuclear age and we are
here to stop him. Nuclear power is not the answer to climate
change - it's costly, dangerous and a terrorist target."
"Just three years ago Blair conducted the biggest
energy review in 60 years - which concluded renewable
energy and energy efficiency, not nuclear, is the way
forward. Today's new review is simply a smokescreen for
pushing his new-found enthusiasm for nuclear power. It's
like Iraq all over again Blair makes his mind up then
tries to spin his decision to the British people."
"The real solution to climate change and energy security
is a mix of efficient, safe and clean energy technologies
like wind, wave, and solar."
He concluded, "Nuclear power is simply a dangerous
red herring in this debate. Even if the UK replaced all
23 of its operating reactors, we would only save 10 percent
of our carbon emissions. In contrast the 56 billion pounds
of tax-payers money being used to fund the clean up of
the UK's current nuclear sites could buy and install enough
wind turbines to meet 20 percent of the UK's electricity
Nuclear power: wrong answer to climate change
Nuclear power has justifiably had a bad press in recent
years. It's expensive to the point of being uneconomic
without massive government subsidies, produces dangerous
radioactive wastes, and the consequences of a serious
accident or terrorist attack on a nuclear plant could
be devastating.
The industry claims that nuclear reactors emit virtually
no CO2 at the point of electricity generation.
Delve a little deeper though, and the logic of this pro-nuclear
argument begins to unravel. While it's true that most
nuclear reactors do not emit carbon (although some nuclear
plants actually do release CO2 gas because it is used
for cooling), they are a small part of a nuclear fuel
chain which most certainly does. The preparation of uranium
for the reactor involves a host of CO2 -emitting processes,
including: mining and milling the ore; fuel enrichment
and fuel-rod fabrication. Then there's the construction
of the power station itself. At the other end there's
reactor decommissioning and the treatment, storage, transport
and disposal of nuclear waste. All of this involves CO2
emissions, which in some areas - such as fuel enrichment
- are significant.
Once this whole life-cycle is taken into consideration,
the claim that nuclear power is a 'carbon-free' alternative
to current fossil-fuelled power stations doesn't stand
up. That's one of the reasons that the Kyoto treaty negotiations
rejected carbon credits for nuclear power plants. The
most recent studies indicate that, for the richest uranium
ores, CO2 emissions across the nuclear cycle are about
33 percent that of fossil-fuel plants. So far so good
- but the fact is that very little uranium ore is of sufficient
quality to produce such a result. Poor grades of ore have
a content of less than 0.02 percent uranium-235 (this
is the uranium isotope which is necessary to sustain the
chain reaction in fuel in a nuclear power plant). As the
high grade ores are used up, the industry will become
increasingly dependent on lower grade ores - which will
mean using more and more energy to 'enrich' the level
of uranium-235 in the fuel to a level where it can be
used in a reactor.
Uranium is not a renewable resource
Known uranium reserves will last for roughly 50 years
at present consumption rates, but the 438 plants operating
world-wide produce only 16 percent of global requirements.
If the world's entire electricity needs were to be met
by nuclear power, then reserves of high-grade uranium
ore would be used up within three to four years. Some
estimates predict that using the remaining poorer ores
in nuclear reactors could produce more CO2 emissions than
burning fossil fuels directly.
So as a serious long-term energy source, nuclear power
is a non-starter. But it has powerful vested interests
behind it which are sucking up funding that would be better
spent on renewable solutions and energy conservation.
As in the 1950s when the first generation of nuclear plants
were conceived, governments seem mesmerized by the glamour
of nuclear power, and blinded to its obvious drawbacks.
Any attempt to position mainstream nuclear production
as a solution to climate change would be a massive miscalculation,
just at the time when we need to focus all our attention
on the real solutions - energy conservation and renewable
sources like wind, tidal and solar. |