- A public inquiry making important decisions about how
the Dee Estuary will be managed in the future closed today.
The independent inspector appointed by the Secretary of
State for Transport to conduct the Inquiry, Mr A Mead, will
now report back to the Department for Transport. It is expected
that the Department for Transport will publish its findings
and conclusions by summer 2006. At
the Inquiry, Environment Agency Wales presented its case
for the granting of modern powers through a Dee Conservancy
Harbour Revision Order, to apply to its jurisdiction over
the entire Dee Estuary. The main witnesses for the Agency
were Roger Fisher, Environment Manager, and Captain Charles
Allister, Harbour Master for the Dee Conservancy.
Mostyn Docks Limited, the statutory
harbour authority for part of the estuary surrounding
the Port of Mostyn docks, also submitted its own Harbour
Revision Order proposals to extend the limits of its jurisdiction
as a harbour authority and for pilotage purposes. The
main witnesses for Mostyn Docks Limited were Jim O’Toole,
Managing Director of Mostyn Docks Limited, and Captain
Roy Hyde-Linaker, Harbour Master and Pilot for the Port
of Mostyn.
Steve Moore, the Agency’s North
Wales Area Manager, commented: "We look forward to
the Secretary of State’s decision. Our HRO proposals,
if accepted, will enhance safety for all vessels throughout
the whole of the Dee estuary, by supporting the safe use
of the Conservancy." |