13/03/2006 - A special
tribunal will be appointed to hear and report
on an application from the New Zealand Fish
and Game Council for a water conservation
order on the Oreti River in Southland, David
Benson-Pope announced today.
Fish and Game are seeking protection of
the main stem of the Oreti River upstream
of Mossburn, specified tributaries and connected
groundwater. They want recognition of the
natural values of the river, its angling
amenity and trout and wildlife habitats.
Fish and Game are also seeking protection
of the main stem of the Oreti River from
Mossburn to Wallacetown for the contribution
it makes to the angling and fishery values
The application is seeking prohibitions
on damming of the Oreti River, restrictions
on changing the river flow or form, restrictions
on the taking of surface water and groundwater,
and the maintenance of fish passage.
“I requested further information from the
applicant and am now satisfied the application
is complete,” David Benson-Pope said. “I
will now appoint a special tribunal to consider
the application and report to me on whether
a water conservation order should be put
in place for the Oreti River.
“Any person will be able to make a submission
to the tribunal and have their views heard,”
he said.