20/03/2006 - Australia has a
new national snapshot of its native vegetation.
The National Vegetation Information System (NVIS)
is a comprehensive database containing detailed
and accurate information on Australia's native vegetation.
It brings together vegetation information from state
and territory governments, and other sources.
The new vegetation information system was announced
today by the Australian Government Ministers for
the Environment and Heritage, Senator Ian Campbell,
and Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Peter McGauran.
The Ministers also announced the Australian Government
would provide a further $3.9 million over 2006-07
and 2007-08 to continue its investment in vegetation
and forestry information, including further development
of the NVIS. Of this funding, a critical sum of
more than $300,000 would go directly into working
with the states and territories on new vegetation
infrastructure and products.
Mr McGauran said the new National Vegetation Information
System addressed the needs of natural resource managers
and researchers for better access to information
on Australia's native vegetation.
"The information will help people, such as
land holders and catchment managers, to work towards
biodiversity conservation and sustainable production
in rural areas," Mr McGauran said.
"It will help regional planners set targets
for improved management of native vegetation on
their land," he said.
Senator Campbell said by providing better information
and better science, Australia was paving the way
for improved environmental decision-making and future
environmental results.
"The NVIS shows how the Australian and state
governments are working together to meet the needs
of natural resource management decision makers -
land holders, catchment management authorities and
all tiers of government," Senator Campbell
A summary of the information on the NVIS database
is attached.
Further details and products from the National Vegetation
Information System can be accessed online at www.deh.gov.au/erin/nvis
National Vegetation Information
System (NVIS)
Good information on vegetation generates many economic
and environmental benefits. It is a fundamental
input to natural resource management planning at
all scales.
The NVIS provides the best available and most up-to-date
vegetation information in a consistent format across
the nation. It also provides guidelines for surveying,
classifying and mapping new vegetation datasets.
Its framework was developed through a partnership
of vegetation information and land management agencies
across Australia. Key information products the NVIS
can generate include:
• General descriptions of vegetation types across
the continent, including coloured maps, tables and
• More detailed information in regions where mapping
is complete.
Details and products from the National Vegetation
Information System can be accessed online at www.deh.gov.au/erin/nvis.
Further information on Australia's vegetation can
be found at www.daff.gov.au/forest_veg. An Integrated
Vegetation online dataset, which uses NVIS and other
information, allows users to produce customised
maps at the regional scale. It can be viewed at
National Funding Commitment
The Australian Government is committing $3.9 million
from the Natural Heritage Trust to support vegetation
information activities during 2006-07 and 2007-08.
A range of projects will be managed and coordinated
across the Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry, and
Environment and Heritage portfolios. They will provide
information on:
• forest and vegetation resources across Australia
for industry and regional natural resource management
• the extent and condition of the diversity of Australia's
native vegetation cover to support biodiversity
• methodologies to support monitoring and evaluation
of change in our forests and vegetation.
The information will contribute to improved, science-based
decision and policy making for sustainable natural
resource management. It will identify and report
on trends and the condition of vegetation across
Australia's range of landscapes, and support improved
delivery of natural resource management policies
and programs in sectors such as forestry, agriculture
and the environment.
Products to be published under these projects will
• improved and up-to-date assessments of vegetation
extent and condition
• 2008 State of the Forests - reporting and associated
• information products on sustainable use and management
e.g. maps, brochures, posters, data and other information
that inform land managers on the role of vegetation
management in meeting multiple objectives
• a report on the national plantation estate and
annual plantation updates.
The projects will improve the integration of data
collected in the National Vegetation Information
System and National Forest Inventory. Ongoing cooperation
with the states will be achieved through the National
Forest Inventory Steering Committee and the Executive
Steering Committee on Australian Vegetation Information,
in partnership with the National Land and Water
Resources Audit.
The projects will also improve access to the information
products by regions, industry and the community
- on the web and in hard copy.