29 March 2006 - The Australian
Minister for the Environment and Heritage, Senator
Ian Campbell, today announced a three year $105,000
sponsorship of the CSIRO’s online publication, Science
by E-mail, to help improve Australian students’
understanding of the science behind the environment
and how they can make a difference.
“It’s important for people of all ages to better
understand our environment, how it works, and how
we as individuals can make a difference in our everyday
lives,” Senator Campbell said.
“There is some fascinating science associated with
the environment. From complex ecosystems, global
climate systems, ocean currents, whale migration
and Antarctic ice cores right through to the development
of new renewable and energy efficient technology
– it’s all underpinned by science.
“This sponsorship will help our young people learn
the importance of creating a sustainable environment
– one that they and future generations will be able
to enjoy as we do today.”
Senator Campbell announced the sponsorship at the
National Museum where he presented compact fluorescent
light bulbs to several students after they interviewed
him about environmental issues.
“The scientific evidence reveals that small changes
in human behaviour can significantly affect the
environment, but this also means that by taking
a few small actions we can have a positive impact
on the environment,” Senator Campbell said.
“Installing compact-flourescent light bulbs is one
example of the many simple, cost-effective ways
to help create a sustainable environment.
“If all Australian households replaced their standard
lightbulbs with compact fluorescent lamps, they
would save the equivalent amount of electricity
as generated by one 600-mg power station.”
Science by E-mail is a free online publication that
is e-mailed to subscribers each Friday. Every edition
contains a feature article about a scientific article,
a science activity students can recreate at home
or in the classroom, some quiz questions, and a
review of a scientific website. There are currently
more than 16,000 subscribers.
While Science by E-mail is written specifically
for students, their parents and teachers, Australians
of all ages and interests subscribe.