13 Apr 2006 – Bangkok,
Thailand – A new species of freshwater stingray
has been discovered in a river in western Thailand,
but its chances for long-term survival are slim,
warns WWF.
The new species of stingray, measuring 60 centimeters
(23.6 inches) in width, was first observed two
years ago but has only now been confirmed in detail
as a new species by researchers from WWF Thailand
and the US-based Smithsonian Institute.
WWF Thailand’s Senior Freshwater Biologist, Dr
Chavalit Vidthayanon, along with Smithsonian Research
Associate Dr Tyson Roberts, have described in
detail the new freshwater stingray, known as Himantura
kittipongi, found in the Mekong Basin of western
Thai rivers, including the Mekong River where
the ray is found, have been plagued by serious
pollution, overfishing and dam building, which
have taken a deadly toll on Thailand's once diverse
and abundant river life. The ray is believed to
exist in only small numbers.
The new species was named Himantura
kittipong after prominent Thai fish expert Kittipong
Jaruthanin who first observed the ray in 2004.