3-May-2006 - On April
28th, Carwyn Jones, the Assembly Minister for
Environment, Planning and the Countryside praised
the work of the Wye and Usk Foundation, a community
based environmental charity in mid-Wales.
Speaking whilst attending a
site visit with Environment Agency Wales’ Fisheries,
Ecology and Recreation Advisory Committee in the
Builth Wells area, the Minister congratulated
the Wye and Usk Foundation on their efforts to
improve river environments for the benefit of
wildlife, local landowners, visitors and residents.
The Wye and Usk Foundation have
restored habitats, constructed fish passes and
improved water quality – all with the support
of partner organisations such as Environment Agency
Wales, Countryside Council for Wales and the Forestry
Commission in Wales.
The Foundation has also encouraged
local farmers to do more to protect their streams
and rivers and generate new income from visiting
anglers drawn by the scenic beauty and quality
of the fishing. This work has complemented the
marketing work of the Fishing Wales project led
by Environment Agency Wales, Visit Wales and supported
by the Welsh Assembly Government.
Following the site visits the
Minister welcomed the presentation of the Environment
Agency’s new fisheries strategy – A Better Environment,
Healthier Fisheries, which it is hoped would contribute
to the development of the Welsh Assembly Government's
Overarching Fisheries Strategy.
Speaking during the visit, Carwyn
Jones said, "The Wye and Usk Foundation have
demonstrated that they are able to work with public
organisations as well as private individuals and
businesses in order to bring about sustainable
changes in our countryside."
"I was particularly impressed
by their Passport scheme – generating new income
into farm households through the sale of fishing
permits and accommodation."
Dafydd Evans, Head of Fisheries
for the Agency said, "The field visits today
have epitomised what our new strategy wishes to
encourage: improved fish stocks and a better environment
for wildlife and people; more chances for people
to go fishing and fisheries helping to boost the
local economy."
Dr Stephen Marsh-Smith, Director
of the Wye and Usk Foundation who has worked tirelessly
to deliver the Foundation’s projects was thankful
to the Minister. "We are grateful that the
Minister has taken time from his busy schedule
to come and experience at first hand some of the
work of the team here in Powys. I am sure both
the Minister and the members of the Committee
will have been inspired by what they have seen."