19 May 2006 - Head of
the Australian Government’s Greenhouse Office,
Howard Bamsey, has been appointed as co-chair
of new international talks on future climate change
Australian Minister for the
Environment and Heritage, Senator Ian Campbell,
welcomed the appointment saying this was clear
evidence that Australia not only had a seat at
the international table battling climate change,
but is indeed leading the way.
“At the United Nation’s annual
climate change conference held in Montreal last
December, the world recognised the need to begin
discussions about effective long-term cooperative
action on climate change,” Senator Campbell said.
“The ‘Dialogue on Long-term
Cooperative Action on Climate Change’ which Mr
Bamsey has been asked to co-chair is the first
step in discussing and thinking about future global
action post-2012.
“The Kyoto commitment period
ends in 2012, but the world’s commitment to reducing
greenhouse gas emissions must continue well beyond
this date.”
The Future Action Dialogue will
look at how to further strengthen international
cooperation to reduce emissions of heat-trapping
gases and to respond to climate change impacts.
It will discuss a range of possible approaches
including incentives for developing countries
to mitigate climate change, cooperation on research
and development, and transfer of cleaner technologies.
“Mr Bamsey is eminently qualified
for this task, having been involved in international
climate change negotiations for more than a decade.”
Senator Campbell said while
Australia was not a major contributor of global
greenhouse gas emissions, our expertise and constructive
approach to addressing the challenges of climate
change is being well recognised.
“Australia contributes just
1.4 per cent of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions
– for example, if we turned of all power stations
in Australia, the greenhouse gas emissions would
be completely replicated by the fast growth of
China in just 11 months.
“As well as being an active
member of the United Nations Climate Change Convention
and a leading member of the Asia-Pacific Partnership
on Clean Development and Climate, Australia is
one of a select number of countries that has been
invited to participate in the G8 dialogue on Climate
Change, Clean Energy and Sustainable Development.
“I will be attending a Ministerial
meeting of the G8 dialogue in October, one of
a number of major international climate change
meetings I will be attending this year,” he said.