5 June 2006 - In her presentation
in Helsinki Jacqueline McGlade noted that the
upcoming Finnish EU presidency targets getting
an broad agreement for reductions of greenhouse
gas emissions when the current Kyoto agreement
is replaced. This would imply getting countries
like the United States, China and India on board.
Jacqueline McGlade also commended
Finland for taking such an active part in the
Cities for Climate Protection Campaign. This global
campaign is organised by the ICLEI - the international
association of local governments and national
and regional government organisations – which
has made a commitment to sustainable development.
The EEA is also lending support
to the Danish's contribution to the European Commission's
climate change awareness campaign by putting a
huge campaign banner on the front of the EEA building
in Copenhagen from May 29th until June 15th. The
Danish campaign launch took place on May 30th
with the Danish Environment Minister, Connie Hedegaard.
A presentation of the European perspective on
climate change was made by EEA Programme Manager
Jeff Huntington. The event was attended by Danish
celebrities and a school class, who made a series
of paintings depicting their understanding of
climate change.