24 October
2006 - Australia is proving that it is possible
to have both a healthy economy and a healthy environment,
the Minister for the Environment and Heritage,
Senator Ian Campbell, said today.
Responding to the release of
the WWF Living Planet Report 2006, Senator Campbell
said that even according to WWF’s calculations,
Australia’s global footprint has reduced – from
7.7 global hectares per person in 2004 to 6.6
hectares in 2006.
“While it is disappointing that
WWF’s report claims that Australia ranks in the
top 10 nations in terms of living unsustainably,
it is also encouraging that our footprint has
decreased in recent years,” Senator Campbell said.
“This shows that we are making
progress, but it’s only part of the story.
“We’re working very hard at
addressing environmental impacts, particularly
through the Natural Heritage Trust which is spending
billions of dollars to repair our rivers.
“Over the past 10 years, with
$3.7 billion committed to managing our land and
water and another $2 billion to climate change,
we have achieved some outstanding results. More
recently, $200 million has been committed to tackling
water reform through the Australian Water Fund.
“And in the coming days, we’ll
be announcing multi-million dollar investments,
some of the biggest investments by any government
anywhere in the world to address climate change.
“We couldn’t have committed
those resources to the environment without a healthy
“There is also good news in
that Australia’s emissions growth is only a fraction
of the economic growth, which will double from
11000 to 2010. This shows we are successfully
uncoupling economic growth from environmental
Senator Campbell cautioned against
a simplistic response to measuring environmental
“It is simplistic to attribute
all environmental problems to over-consumption.
For example, this approach doesn’t take account
of issues like the impact of salinity, weeds and
feral pests, natural disasters, marine debris,
or simply poor management practices.”
Senator Campbell said some of
WWF’s criteria were a little harsh including measuring
Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions on a per
capita basis.
“The Howard Government is addressing
our emission levels, but we do produce a massive
amount of energy for the rest of the world and
yet we bare the brunt of accounting methods by
WWF,” he said.
“Also, in terms of threatened
and endangered species, Australia has more native
flora and fauna than any other country on the
planet, so I think the measurements for this are
a bit harsh on Australia.”
“But we don’t mind being measured
by WWF. They’re a sound, sensible international
organisation. My aim is to keep us improving.
I know Australia is committed to achieving that
and this Government is committed to achieving
Rob Broadfield