27 October
2006 - The Australian Government is one step closer
to establishing one of the world’s largest marine
park networks with public consultation on the
South-east Marine Park Area (MPA) commencing from
28 October.
The proposed network will be
the first of a series of Regional Representative
Marine Parks to be established around the nation.
Minister for Environment and
Heritage, Senator the Hon Ian Campbell, said the
South East Marine Park Network will consist of
13 new Commonwealth reserves in south-eastern
Australian waters with a combined area almost
as big as Victoria.
“The current proposal comes
after previous consultation, which began in December
last year, with marine industries and other stakeholders.
The initial rounds of consultation resulted in
more than 20 changes to boundaries and zoning
in the draft proposal.”
“The community has spoken and the Government has
listened”, Senator Campbell said.
“The network will provide world-leading
protection for the unique environment of the South-east
Marine Region and help ensure a sustainable future
for marine industries for generations to come.
“When the network is officially
declared, it will cover a total area of 226,458
km2, equivalent to three times the area of Tasmania.
This is a commitment of the Australian Government
to deliver biodiversity conservation while allowing
sustainable use of the marine environment.
“The south-east MPA proposal
forms part of the Howard Government’s commitment
to provide $37.7 million over four years to ensure
Australia’s position as a global leader of marine
resource management and conservation.
The proposed reserves are in
Commonwealth waters (outside three nautical miles)
within the South-east Marine Region, which stretches
from the ocean off eastern South Australia, through
Victoria, Tasmania and off southern New South
Senator Campbell said the declaration
of these marine reserves would be a major contribution
to building the National Representative System
of Marine Protected Areas (NRSMPA) under which
marine reserves will be established all around
Australia by the Commonwealth, State and Northern
Territory Governments.
Public comment on the proposed
reserves must be received by the Department of
the Environment and Heritage by Friday, 22 December.
More information including detailed descriptions
of the areas, maps and fact sheets on each proposed
MPA can be downloaded from http://www.deh.gov.au/coasts/mpa/southeast/index.html
Rob Broadfield
Proposed Commonwealth Marine
Reserves in the South-east Marine Region
Zoning Explanation: Sanctuary
zone (IUCN 1a) - Scientific reference site for
research and monitoring as well as appropriate
passive use by the public.
Benthic sanctuary zone (IUCN
1a) - No extractive use in the area from 500 metres
below sea level to 100 metres beneath the seabed;
commercial and recreational fishing only in the
area between the sea surface and 500 metres in
Recreational use zone (IUCN
II) - Recreational activities including recreational
and charter fishing. No commercial fishing or
oil and gas exploration.
Multiple use zone (IUCN VI)
- Recreational fishing, oil and gas exploration
and associated activities, geo-sequestration of
carbon, and some forms of commercial fishing excluding
demersal trawl, Danish seine, mesh netting and
scallop dredge are all permitted.
Special purpose zone (IUCN VI)
- Recreational fishing, oil and gas exploration
and associated activities, geo-sequestration of
carbon, recreational and charter fishing permitted.
No commercial fishing allowed.