01 November
2006 - The first section of this report contains
a description of the emission from the agricultural
sector from 1985 to 2002. The second part of the
report includes a detailed description of methods
and data used to calculate the emissions.
The emission from the agricultural
sector includes emission of ammonia (NH3) and
the greenhouse gases methane (CH4) and nitrous
oxide (N2 O).
The emission inventory in this
report differs from previous emission inventories.
The calculated emission is based on an integrated
model with an improved methodology.
The ammonia emission from 1985
to 2002 has decreased from 138.400 tonnes of NH3
to 98.300 tonnes NH3 , corresponding an approximately
30% reduction. The main part of the ammonia emission
is related to the livestock manure. In 2002 the
emission from swine and cattle contributed to
the total ammonia emission with 53% and 33% respectively.
The emission of greenhouse gases
in 2002 is estimated to 10.15 M tonnes CO2-equivalents.
From 1985 the emission has decreased from 13.79
M tonnes CO2 -equivalents, which corresponds to
a 26% reduction. From 11000, which is the base
year of the Kyoto protocol, the emission from
the agricultural sector has decreased by 21%.
The emission of methane is primarily
related to the cattle and swine production, which
contribute to the total GHG emission with 70%
and 26% respectively. The methane emission in
2002 is estimated to 180.3 Gigagram (Gg) or given
in CO2 - equivalents 3.79 M tonnes.
The emission of nitrous oxide
originates from the nitrogen turnover in the agricultural
fields. The main sources are related to the use
of livestock manure, synthetic fertiliser and
the nitrogen run-off and leaching. The emission
of N2O in 2002 is estimated to 20.53 Gg N2O corresponding
to 6.36 M tonnes CO2 - equivalents.
Emission of ammonia, nitrous
oxide and methane from Danish Agriculture 1985-2002.
Methodology and Estimates. Research Note No. 231.
Mikkelsen, M.H., Gyldenkærne, S., Poulsen,
H.D. Olesen, J.E. & Sommer, S.G. 2006. 90
pp. Sammenfatning | Summary | Full report in pdf-format
(1,120 kB).
The report is a translation
Opgørelse og beregningsmetode
for landbrugets emissioner af ammoniak og drivhusgasser
1985-2002. Arbejdsrapport nr. 204. Mikkelsen,
M.H., Gyldenkærne, S. Poulsen, H.D., Olesen,
J.E. & Sommer, S.G. 2005. 84 s. Hele rapporten
i pdf format (1.057 kB).