6 December
2006 - Aggressive marine invaders like the Asian
mussel, European fanworm and Japanese goby are
being targeted for eviction under a special project
to protect Western Australia’s marine environment.
The three-year, $674,000 project
is funded by the Australian Government’s Natural
Heritage Trust, with cash and in-kind contributions
from the Western Australian Government. It is
being run through a partnership between regional
natural resource management groups and the Department
of Fisheries.
“As we mark Coastcare Week this
week, the health of our internationally-renowned
coastline is top of mind,” Senator Campbell said.
“Some of the creatures living
beneath the surface of our coastal waters don’t
belong there, and in fact can do serious long-term
harm to ecosystems and marine industries that
rely on them such as aquaculture, commercial and
recreational fishing and tourism. They also foul
wharves and boats.
“Another project will introduce
national guidelines to prevent ‘biofouling,’ which
happens when marine life attaches to ships or
fishing gear. These attached pests could be moved
to other areas, spreading the problem.
“And perhaps the most important
aspect of the work is that it aligns with the
National System for the Prevention and Management
of Introduced Marine Pest Incursions – a continent-wide
approach to the issue,” Senator Campbell said.
Mr McGauran said more than 90
of the 250 marine pests in Australia were found
in the State. “These ‘hitchhikers’ can spread
rapidly if they attach themselves to hulls, recreational
equipment and internal compartments of boats,”
he said.
“Early detection is vital to
the successful control and, where possible, eradication
of these invaders. Control and eradication programs
can be difficult and expensive, and are likely
to impact on both the marine environment and recreational
and commercial fisheries,” Mr McGauran said.
Western Australian Minister
for Agriculture and Food; Forestry, Kim Chance,
said: “Learning how we can prevent these unwelcome
guests from spreading is critical, so yearly workshops
will be held in Perth to provide all groups involved
in pest prevention with the latest data.
“We’re also going to see public
talks held across the South Coast, South West,
Swan, Northern Agricultural and Rangelands regions,
so communities can get involved.”
Western Australian Minister
for the Environment, Mark McGowan, said pests
such as the Asian mussel and European fanworm
form dense mats across seabeds, altering the fragile
marine habitat.
“The Asian mussel can be found
lurking in the Canning River, Swan estuary and
the Fremantle area, but it’s also been reported
in South Australia, Victoria and Tasmania,” Mr
McGowan said.
“It grows rapidly in shallow
areas, excluding native mussels and restricting
the growth of seagrass. The European fanworm is
another destructive invader, competing for food
with native oysters.
“The Japanese goby, a small
bottom-dwelling fish, is found in Cockburn Sound
and the Swan River, and competes with native species
for habitat and spawning sites. It can spawn more
often and for longer than native gobies.
“Other activities we’re funding
to keep an eye on this include a central Introduced
Marine Species Monitoring framework and a trial
of the National Introduced Marine Species Monitoring
“National monitoring will help
people consistently track pest populations and
manage ships’ ballast water.” This is water taken
onboard for stability before a voyage begins,
and sometimes it can carry pests to new places.
Coastcare Week runs until December 7.
For more information on the
project contact visit www.fish.wa.gov.au. For
more information about the Natural Heritage Trust
visit www.nrm.gov.au
Editors please note: high resolution
images of marine pests are available. Contact
the Natural Resource Management Communications
Team on (02) 6274 1466 or email nrm@deh.gov.au.
Regina Titelius (Minister Campbell)
Nancy Joseph (Minister McGauran)
Alicia Miriklis (Minister Chance)
Kym Coolhaas (Minister McGowan)