15 May 2007 - EVA is an
integrated environmental economic-atmospheric
model system for assessing the health effects
from air pollution. The model system utilises
NERI’s existing model competencies, but
links these to an environmental economic
impact pathway chain following the method
in ExternE. The model system is integrated,
such that all emissions are assessed collectively,
thus ensuring that ozone formation, for
example, is included.
The results from the model system can be
used both in socioeconomic assessment as
well in relation to the prevailing conditions
and requirements associated with actual
plants, where evaluation of the benefits
resulting from a reduction in air pollution
in relation to costs for actual plants may
be desired.
Further information: Professor Mikael Skou
Andersen, tel. +45 8920 1555, msa@dmu.dk
EVA - a non-linear Eulerian approach for
assessment of health-cost externalities
of air pollution. Mikael Skou Andersen,
Lise Marie Frohn, Jytte Seested Nielsen,
Malene Nielsen, Joan B. Jensen, Steen Solvang
Jensen, Jesper Christensen and Jørgen
Brandt. Report from the projects ‘Sundhed
og miljøøkonomi: Etablering
af integreret modelsystem for beregning
af eksternaliteter’, ‘Integreret atmosfærisk
miljø-økonomisk model-system’
and ‘Bynære eksternaliteter’.
De eksterne omkostninger ved energiproduktion
(In Danish). Andersen, M.S. Frohn, L.M.
Naturlig Energi, maj 2007. Summary of the
results arising from the project for the
journal ‘Naturlig Energi’
Beregningspriser for luftemissioner - 2007
(In Danish)