23 Aug 2007 - Background:
The Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
Leader’s Week is being held 2-9 September
in Sydney, Australia. This meeting brings
together leaders from 21 nations including
Australia, Canada, China, Indonesia, Russia
and the US. Climate and energy is at the
top of APEC’s agenda. Both the US and the
Australian governments are opposed to binding
emissions reduction targets at a global
level, such as the Kyoto Protocol, and intend
only to agree to voluntary measures.
Key Issues:
Global emissions need to reduce by at least
50% in the next 40 years. APEC countries
must push for a strong post-2012 climate
treaty with tougher targets to reduce emissions.
“The APEC region has the potential and opportunity
to play a defining role in the debate about
climate and energy solutions,” says Greg
Bourne, Chief Executive WWF-Australia. “APEc
leaders must make this a positive stepping
stone towards discussion in Bali and head
for binding targets on emission reductions.”
The growth of coal use in the Asia Pacific
in recent years is unprecedented. Between
2001 and 2006 global coal use grew by almost
30 per cent and 90 per cent of this increase
came from developing Asia. Within developing
Asia, China dominates, being responsible
for 70 per cent of the world increase since
2001. India is responsible for 10 per cent
with the economies of South East Asia and
Korea making up the balance. “Coal plays
a unique role in the region: fuelling the
growth of developing economies,” says Ina
Pozon, Co-ordinator for WWF’s Asia Pacific
Coal Initiative. “But coal use has to evolve
if it intends to play a role in our carbon-constrained
future. The industry can choose to be hamstrung
by the environmental crisis, or to help
avert air pollution and climate change by
shifting to a more responsible use of coal.”
Coral reefs in Asia Pacific are again bleaching
rapidly, caused by high sea temperatures.
"Coral bleaching is not just a threat
to the region's tourism industry and biodiversity,"
says Diane McFadzien, WWF Asia Pacific Policy
Coordinator. "When corals are damaged
then fisheries, coastal protection and cultures
are damaged. This is the insidiousness of
climate change, it is actually damaging
and dangerous for the social, political
and economic future of the whole region."
Materials (download from http://www.panda.org/climate/APEC
WWF APEC briefing with key demands and background
on APEC and climate change
Climate Change Impacts on Asia Pacific countries
– overview over impacts on 19 countries
in the region. Download from http://www.panda.org/climate/APEC
(coming soon)
Coral bleaching in Asia-Pacific and the
Caribbean – for more info go to the NOAA
Coral Watch Website for the latest sea surface
temperature maps- showing hot water in AP
and Caribbean
Coming Clean: the truth and future of coal
in Asia Pacific provides a comprehensive
analysis of the impacts of Asia-Pacific’s
most critical fuel, coal. The report analyzes
the external costs related to coal use and
provides a roadmap for a responsible use
of coal in a carbon-constrained world. (coming
Press Pack - All backgrounders, press work,
photos, reports etc at http://www.panda.org/climate/APEC.
Online - Blog at http://www.panda.org/climate/blog.