28 February
2008 - Media Statement - Department of Environmental
Affairs and Tourism - THURSDAY, 28 FEBRUARY
2008: In response to the explosion at one
of the furnaces at Assmang Cato Ridge’s
ferromanganese plant on Sunday morning,
the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Agriculture
and Environmental Affairs has suspended
the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
process for the commissioning of two further
furnaces at the site.
Officials from the KwaZulu-Natal
Department of Agriculture and Environmental
Affairs (DAEA), the national Department
of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEAT)
and eThekwini municipality met with Assmang
on Wednesday, 27 February and advised Assmang
that the EIA for expansion at the site will
be suspended until Assmang can demonstrate
compliance with all environmental legislation,
and had implemented substantial improvements
at the site to the satisfaction of the authorities.
A separate EIA for the improvements required
by authorities will continue.
In 2007, Environmental
Management Inspectors from all three departments
conducted an inspection at the site, and
found serious non-compliance with environmental
legislation and permits pertaining to the
site. Assmang has since been issued with
various compliance notices by the authorities,
and had to persuade the authorities why
its disposal site permit should not be suspended.
Final notices, which also contain instructions
and timeframes for the implementation of
various projects, including a major dust
and fume extraction system on the site,
will be issued in the coming weeks.
eThekwini Municipality
is currently processing an application from
Assmang for a permit in terms of the city’s
Scheduled Trade Bylaws. This integrated
permit will deal with air, water, waste
and occupational health and safety issues,
and is intended to reflect best international
practice for plants of its kind.
In the coming weeks,
DEAT, DAEA and eThekwini will liaise closely
with investigators from the Department of
Labour, who have shut down all of Assmang’s
furnaces, and are conducting a full investigation
into the February 24 incident.
“Coming in the wake
of enforcement action already taken against
Assmang since 2007 with respect to environmental
non-compliance, the tragic death of six
Assmang employees is of extreme concern
to all three departments. In these circumstances,
authorities cannot continue to talk to Assmang
about an expansion until we are assured
that the company has permanently turned
around its unacceptable safety and environmental
record,” said DEAT spokesperson Mava Scott.
Sonnyboy Bapela (Chief Director Regulatory
- Department of Environmental Affairs and
Mbulelo Baloyi (Media Spokesperson - KwaZulu-Natal
Department of Agriculture and Environmental