Heraklion (Greece),
11 December – Representatives of fisheries,
local and regional authorities in Crete
met conservation bodies in Greece for the
first time to discuss measures to protect
the marine environment. The Convention on
Migratory Species (CMS) which participated
in the Conference together with its regional
agreement on the conservation of whales
and dolphins in the Mediterranean and the
Black Sea, ACCOBAMS, had facilitated the
meeting as a further - and final - step
forward in the Year of the Dolphin. The
International Summit on the Marine Environment,
held 9-11 December in Heraklion, Crete,
was organised by Essence consulting, the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well as the
Port and Municipality of Heraklion. WDCS,
as founding partner of the Year of the Dolphin,
Ocean Care and the Chair of the ACCOBAMS
Scientific Committee also participated in
the conference.
CMS Executive Secretary
Robert Hepworth said: "CMS supports
the implementation of sustainable fisheries
regulations that reconcile the protection
of the marine ecosystems in Greece with
the livelihoods of local communities. We
need to halt the decline of these marine
mammals so typical of Greece such as the
Common Dolphin and the Mediterranean Monk
Seal before they become extinct."
Greece with its huge marine
biodiversity can be considered as the most
important habitat for marine mammals in
the ACCOBAMS agreement area. ACCOBAMS Executive
Secretary Marie-Christine Grillo Compulsione
said: "Participation of local communities
is essential to implement conservation measures.
Their collaboration with the ACCOBAMS Scientific
Committee will guarantee the achievement
of our common objectives." However,
the once abundant Common Dolphins have been
driven to the brink of extinction by overfishing
and the subsequent depletion of prey. Their
numbers have decreased from 150 to only
15 animals in the last ten years.
Conference participants
agreed on first steps to take urgent measures
to stop the further degradation of marine
ecosystems caused by overfishing in Greek
waters. Draft recommendations to conserve
marine biodiversity, in particular the Common
Dolphin and its habitat, maintain viable
fishstocks and protect spawning grounds
will be submitted to the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs for implementation.
The president of the
professional coastal fishermen's association
called for a ban on unsustainable fishing
practices such as trawlers and purse seiners.
He emphasized that better legal enforcement
of existing EU regulations could stop further
damage. Juvenile fish are caught before
they reach maturity. The current practice
in Greece prevents the heavily depleted
fish stocks from recovering. Industrial
fisheries operate 290 trawlers and 300 purse
seiners compared to 17000 boats belonging
to artisanal fisheries. Small scale fisheries'
contribution amount to 40 percent of the
total fish production in Greece.
Research is being undertaken
to find the main causes of mortality among
dolphins. In a scientific round table, ACCOBAMS
provided advice regarding the establishment
of a stranding network for whales and dolphins.
Scientists and NGOs recommended that compliance
with existing law such as the EU Habitats
Directive could reverse the impact of unsustainable
fisheries. Comprehensive research and monitoring
to generate population estimates and extend
the survey to the entire Mediterranean basin
needs to be supported by authorities, ship
owners, tourists and local communities.
Fisheries and the Port of Heraklion agreed
to support this initiative by collecting
data. ACCOBAMS provides the framework that
is being supported by 21 states.
The Port of Heraklion
inaugurated a fountain with a sculpture
of three dolphins as a permanent legacy
of the Year of the Dolphin and as a symbol
of its firm commitment towards protecting
marine mammals and their fragile ecosystems.
Notes to Editors:
Nick Nuttall, UNEP Spokesperson/Head of