

Environmental Panorama
January of 2009

Green stimulus packages gaining momentum as a key solution to the economic crisis - 9 January 2009 – Japan and the Republic of Korea have announced that they will invest billions of dollars in green projects to create jobs and spur economic growth, in the latest sign that the Green New Deal advocated by the United Nations is gaining momentum.

Japan has announced that it aims to expand the ‘green business’ market and create up to 1 million new jobs, with measures including zero-interest rate loans for environmentally-friendly companies.

South Korea, meanwhile, will invest 38 billion dollars over the next four years in a series of eco-friendly projects to create 960,000 new jobs and lay the groundwork for economic growth. The 36 projects include the creation of green transport networks, the provision of two million energy-saving ‘green homes’ and the clean-up of the country’s four main rivers.

Achim Steiner, UN Under-Secretary General and UNEP Executive Director, said: “Investments in clean-tech and renewable energy; infrastructure such as railways and cycle tracks and nature-based services like river systems and forests, can not only counter recession and unemployment but can also set the stage for more sustainable economic recovery and growth in the 21st century.”

“UNEP’s Global Green New Deal and Green Economy initiative are clearly two ideas whose time has come, as evidenced by the Republic of Korea and Japan’s stimulus package announcements alongside those of other key economies and leaders from China to the President-elect of the United States,” he added.

Mr Steiner said the announcements also echoed the call by the UN Secretary-General in Poznan last month where he outlined a Global Green New Deal as the best chance for securing a sound and solid climate agreement in Copenhagen in late 2009.

The move by two of Asia’s major economies comes on the heels of US President-elect Barack Obama’s plans to implement a US$150 billion clean energy programme during his presidency in a bid to create 5 million jobs.

In October, the UN Environment Programme launched the Global Green New Deal and Green Economy Initiative as both an antidote to current economic woes and as a springboard to a low carbon, low impact, high job generating and better-managed global economy.

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Prince Albert II Visits Antarctica to Assess the Effects of Global Warming

Friday 9 January, 2009 – Billion Tree Campaign Patron and UNEP Champion of the Earth Prince Albert II of Monaco has begun a month-long expedition to Antarctica to assess the impact of global warming on the South Pole.

"This is one of the most sensitive regions in the world," Prince Albert said. "Everything happening at the South Pole, like the North Pole, has repercussions everywhere on the planet." The Prince will pay to offset the greenhouse gas emissions from his own visit by investing in renewable energies.

Since acceding to the throne in 2005, the Prince has made environmental awareness a key goal of his principality. He has thrown his support behind a wide range of green causes, including the UNEP Billion Tree Campaign alongside Nobel laureate Wangari Maathai. The Campaign is catalyzing a massive tree-planting movement around the globe, with the goal to plant 7 billion trees – one per every person on the planet – by the end of 2009. For this and other efforts to safeguard the planet, Prince Albert received UNEP's prestigious Champion of the Earth Award in 2008.

The Prince's South Pole itinerary includes visits to scientific outposts and meetings with climate change experts from 18 countries to get an overview of the latest research. He will visit a range of scientific stations including the US research bases at Patriot Hill and Amundsen-Scott, the French-Italian base Concordia, Russia's Vostok and Novolazarevskaya, Australia's Davis station, the Belgian base Princess Elisabeth and Norway's Troll.

The trip's other objective is to raise worldwide public awareness of the effect of global warming and other environmental change on the Poles.

Christian Nellemann, senior officer for UNEP's GLOBIO Programme, said: "The growing environmental efforts of prominent state leaders, like that of Prince Albert II, are very important in raising the understanding in society and among politicians, of the huge risks we are facing with climate change."

UNEP's Polar Programme, based at the Grid-Arendal research centre in Norway, works on early warning and assessment of the polar environments. The Programme also focuses on communicating the key role of the polar regions for the global climate.


Source: United Nations Environment Programme
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