

Environmental Panorama
January of 2009

No, really: THANK YOU, George Bush - 06 January 2009 - International — Thanks to President George Bush three national monuments in the Pacific will be created to protect the largest amount of ocean in the world to date. This is a truly rare opportunity for us to applaud the Bush administration!

A total of 505,775 square kilometres [195,280 square miles], containing some of the most ecologically-rich areas of the world's oceans, will be protected.

This outstanding decision, together with his protection of a large area of the Hawaiian islands in 2006, means Bush will have protected more ocean than any person in history, before he leaves office in just two weeks time. The decision was made under the Antiquities Act, which gives presidents the right to single-handedly create protection areas and Bush has only used this once before.

Bush will save whales, sharks and corals

Two of the marine reserves that Bush will create include the Line Islands, an isolated and uninhabited archipelago in the central Pacific. The third marine reserve will be in the western Pacific, encompassing a few of the northern Marianas islands and the Mariana Trench, the deepest submerged canyon in the world.

Both regions boast a rich array of marine life including sharks, rare whales, birds and many other top predators along with unique corals and intricate deep sea ecosystems. Nearly 60 percent of the total area protected will be subject to prohibitions on fishing and other extractive activities.

Marine reserves are critical to preserving the diversity of marine life that keeps valuable ocean ecosystems functioning. As overfishing has expanded to the farthest reaches of the planet, 90 percent of the largest fish have already been removed from our oceans and marine ecosystems are on the brink of collapse. That's why we have been campaigning for a global network of marine reserves since 2004.

This is why the word "irony" was invented
Bush has threatened our entire planet's future by dragging his feet on climate change, and has previously given less attention to environmental conservation than any US president in history. If he is trying to make amends with these huge marine sanctuaries - he needs to realise that ocean protection is a two-sided coin.

Protecting sea life from dredging and fishing is a very good thing, but what the oceans need protection from just as much, if not more so, is climate change. Global warming will have catastrophic impacts on our oceans including mass coral death due to rising sea temperatures and loss of species from ocean acidificication.

And while marine reserves will not stop climate change, they will reduce the amount of environmental stress on marine ecosystems - giving them a better chance to adapt to the changes brought about by global warming.

While the Bush administration has raised the bar with these new monuments, we will be calling upon President-elect Obama to take much bolder actions, in line with the best available science.

Are we there yet?

In order for our oceans to stand a chance with rising global temperatures and ongoing overfishing we need to set aside 40 percent of our oceans as marine reserves. The total amount of ocean that will be fully protected by the Bush administration amounts to a mere tenth of one percent of what scientists recommend.

The lesson in this development? In the game of environmental sin and sainthood, nobody is beyond redemption. Other world leaders who might be feeling guilty for not doing enough environmentally may also be looking for ways to atone for their sins. Perhaps if they all took this one leaf out Bush's book, we'd be a lot further along in reaching our goal - to save our seas - before it's too late.

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EU flag and climate warnings beamed on Prague

07 January 2009 - Prague, Czech Republic — As the Czech Republic takes the helm of the EU for six months, President Václav Klaus, a well-known sceptic on climate change and the European Union, refused to fly the EU flag on Prague Castle (a seat of the Czech president). So, our Czech activists beamed the flag onto the castle instead and illuminated the urgent need for the EU to act on climate change.

They projected the flag and a series of slogans onto Prague Castle and the iconic Charles Bridge as members of European Commission visited the historic capital. The slogans pointed to the forthcoming international climate conference in Copenhagen later this year and read: “Copenhagen –333 days” and “Time to lead”.

Later on, Greenpeace climbers began asending the flag mast at Prague Castle to physically hang an EU flag on it but were stopped by police. Watch the video.

Despite the evidence to the contrary, Klaus believes climate change is a dangerous myth. Thankfully he is mainly a ceremonial figure and the Czech government is determined to keep him as far away as possible from the EU Presidency, which it recently took over from France.

Europe must lead on clean energy and forest protection
We are reminding Czech politicians that they need to make the best use of the Czech Presidency of the European Union to improve the EU position in favour of radical cuts in greenhouse gas emissions. The Czech Presidency must play its part to secure an ambitious successor to the Kyoto climate treaty in Copenhagen later this year. There is no time for dilly-dallying since climate change is happening much faster than we previously expected.

We have drawn up a list of five key tests that we will use to judge the success or failure of the Czech EU Presidency in six months’ time. These include funding for clean energy and forest protection in developing countries. At a time when a number of European countries are concerned with unreliable gas supplies from Russia, we're also calling on the Czech EU Presidency to ensure the implementation of measures under the EU’s recently adopted climate and energy package.

Renewables will fuel the economy and provide energy security

The recent spat between Russia and Ukraine over gas supplies reinforces the need for the Czech EU Presidency to make climate protection, along with energy security, the highest priorities of its Presidency. Fighting climate change is the best way to reduce dependency on expensive fossil fuels, create millions of new jobs and ensure a stable and efficient economy to counter the economic recession.

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Green gadgets - The search continues

08 January 2009 International — The latest survey of greener electronics products has revealed that the greenest consumer electronic products on the market today may have a smaller environmental footprint than those sold a year ago, but the industry still has a way to go before they can claim a truly green product.

Our second greener products survey, “Green Electronics: the search continues” assesses the progress made over the last year by consumer electronic companies on their commitments to green their products. Fifteen major electronics brands submitted 50 of their most environmentally friendly new products - mobile and smart phones, televisions, computer monitors, notebook and desktop computers, and game consoles for evaluation. The survey assesses the products on their use of hazardous chemicals, energy efficiency, overall product lifecycle (recyclability and upgradeability) and other factors such as the promotion of environmental friendliness and innovation.

The green news
This year’s survey had companies scoring higher and more competitively than last year. We found that fewer products on the market contain PVC plastic and that fewer hazardous chemicals are being used in products in general. LED displays, which save energy and avoid the use of mercury in backlights, can be found in more products today and manufacturers are using more post-consumer recycled plastic in TVs and monitors. Most companies have established better voluntary take-back and recycling programmes and adapted quickly to the new requirements of Energy Star. But not everyone was happy to have their products evaluated. Companies that were asked but declined to submit products were: Apple, Asus, Microsoft, Nintendo, Palm and Philips.

The Lenovo L2440x wide computer monitor scored highest with 6.9 points(on a 10 point scale)and is far ahead of the competition in the monitor category. Other product category leaders include the Sharp LC-52GX5 television (5.92), the Samsung F268 mobile phone (5.45), the Nokia 6210 Smart phone (5.2) the Toshiba Portege R600 Notebook (5.57) and the Lenovo ThinkCentre M58 Desktop (5.88).

However no product scored high enough across all areas to deserve the accolade of a truly 'green product'. Unfortunately if you are in the market for a new electronics product it's still a choice between a product that is green in one area but not in another. To show we is possible right now if all current green innovations were combined we took the top scores of each product category to make a composite score for the industry. These ‘best practice’ scores, ranging as high as 8.6, demonstrate that there is environmental know-how available now to produce electronics that are significantly greener than anything on the shelves today.

The electronics industry is heading in the right direction. To stay in the race to a green product, every company needs to put its foot on the accelerator. It’s time to take the progress made with their greenest products and apply that standard across the board to all of its product lines. A few expensive niche products is not enough. The electronics industry is one of the most innovative industry on the planet. It’s time these companies step up and give the green gadgets we are all looking for.

This week, electronics companies will gather at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Nevada to introduce their latest products.

Want to know more? Our team at the CES is twittering and blogging as we present the new survey and check out the latest gadgets.


Source: Greenpeace International
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