

Environmental Panorama
February of 2009

4 February 2009 - Barriers to change may be comparatively small as long as transition to a more sustainable energy system seeks to emulate existing practices and properties of current technologies but reductions in CO2-emissions will also be insufficient. More radical changes that address the level of consumption will meet more substantial obstacles that touch upon basic elements in the dynamics of consumption, household and economic development. Overcoming these more serious obstacles is not unfeasible, but it will require more ambitious technological development combined with changes in the architecture of the energy system and changes in social practices – which will require political-administrative funding, investment and regulation.

The aim of these research notes is to review and discuss major socio-cultural barriers to new and more sustainable forms of energy supply, particularly to those that are based on hydrogen as energy carrier. Any transition to a more sustainable energy system, radically reducing greenhouse gas emissions, is bound to run into a host of different barriers – technological and economic, but also social and cultural. This will also be the case for a large-scale application of hydrogen as energy carrier, especially if the system is going to be based on renewable energy sources. Reaching sufficient reductions in greenhouse gas emissions may require more than dissemination of new energy technologies. Also reductions or moderations in energy demand may be necessary. Hence, a central point in the research notes is to consider not only socio-cultural obstacles for changing technologies in energy production, distribution and consumption but also obstacles for changing the scale of energy consumption, i.e. moderating the growth in how much energy is consumed or even reducing consumption volumes.

The concept of socio-technical systems is central in understanding the significance of socio-cultural factors in technological transition. Everyday routines and habits, aesthetic preferences and locked-in logics of consumption and mobility are important features of and may constitute significant barriers to changes in technological systems such as our predominantly fossil fuel based energy system. These issues are further discussed in relation to transport and mobility as well as household and equipment.

The conclusion is that barriers to change may be comparatively small as long as transition to a more sustainable energy system seeks to emulate existing practices and properties of current technologies, for instance in terms of speed and range of vehicles, but reductions in CO2-emissions will also be insufficient. More radical changes that address the level of consumption will meet more substantial obstacles that touch upon basic elements in the dynamics of consumption, household and economic development.

Overcoming these more serious obstacles is not unfeasible, but it will require more ambitious technological development combined with changes in the architecture of the energy system and changes in social practices – which will require political-administrative funding, investment and regulation.
Contact: Senior scientist Lars Kjerulf Petersen
Socio-cultural barriers to the development of a sustainable energy system – the case of hydrogen. National Environmental Research Institute, Aarhus University . Petersen, L.K. & Andersen, A.H

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Vasse Wonnerup Water Quality Improvement Plan

Joint Media release - 5 February 2009 - The long-term environmental sustainability of the Vasse-Wonnerup wetlands and Geographe Bay area in the South-West of Western Australia should be strengthened because of determined joint Australian and State Government endeavours to plan for its future.

Recognised under the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands as a Wetland of International Importance, the regional waterways’ system now has a strategic plan to manage and reduce damaging nutrients within it.

A draft Water Quality Improvement Plan was released for public comment today as the culmination of three years’ cooperative government effort.

Western Australian Minister for Water, Dr Graham Jacobs said management of nutrients flowing into Geographe Bay was a high priority for government which aimed to protect the area’s outstanding ecological, social and cultural values.

Australian Government Environment Minister Peter Garrett said those values were reflected in the Ramsar listing, but unfortunately wetland systems in the area, as elsewhere around the nation, had experienced severe water quality problems for many years.

“Wetlands are the kidneys of the environment, filtering nutrients and pollutants from our waterways as well as providing really important habitat for native birds, fish and other animals,” Mr Garrett said.

“Last year, two migratory shorebirds – a red knot and a curlew sandpiper – tagged by bird enthusiasts in the Geographe area a year earlier – were spotted by Chinese ornithologists near Beijing, about 8,000 kilometres away.

“The importance of these South West wetlands to the two million birds that fly from Siberia, northern China and Alaska to Australia and New Zealand every year is just one example of why they are a natural asset that must be protected.”

The Australian Government has identified the Vasse Wonnerup as a priority coastal hotspot under the Caring for our Country initiative.

The Western Australian Government co-funded the project through the departments of Water, Agriculture and Food, Environment and Conservation, and Planning and Infrastructure.

Dr Jacobs said large areas of seagrass had been lost in marine and estuarine environments in Western Australia as a result of nutrient enrichment.

“There is a strong recognition in the management plan that a balance is required between land use activities in the catchment and protection of the environmental systems,” Dr Jacobs said.

“For this to be achieved, changes to land use practices are required across all sectors from urbanisation through to broad acre dairying and beef farming.

“Implementation of the plan could include an upgrade of the Busselton Waste Water Treatment plant by the Water Corporation, to ensure no net increase in nutrients and further exploration of water recycling options.

“We are also working with the Shire of Busselton to introduce best practice into new urban developments. The proposed strategies should reduce the impact of new urbanisation by up to 60 per cent.”

The draft plan is open for comment until 31 March 2009. The link to the plan on the West Australian Department of Water’s website is below:

A draft water quality improvement plan for the Vasse Wonnerup Wetlands and Geographe Bay (PDF - 4.8 MB)


Source: Denmark's Ministry of the Environment
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