

Environmental Panorama
April of 2009

Gland, Switzerland: The world will not lessen its mounting worries over water until it is clearly on track to dealing with the twin threats of water mismanagement and climate change, WWF International Director General James Leape said on World Water Day today.

He said it was good to see climate change impacts climbing up the agenda at the World Water Forum, concluding today in Istanbul, Turkey but disappointing that so little progress had been made in addressing glaring water mismanagement issues around the globe.

“All WWF’s work in this area is showing us again and again that it is the well-managed or restored river systems that cope best with the climate change impacts we are seeing now and those that are yet to come,” Leape said.

“This is clearly an issue of water management, but the ministerial declaration flowing from the World Water Forum is more a collection of platitudes than a plan for action.”

Mr Leape said that, with the World Water Forum having a theme of Bridging Divides on Water and World Water Day a theme of sharing cross border waters over borders, it was surprising that the Ministerial Declaration contained no mention of an existing international agreement on sharing waters that has languished in limbo for more than a decade without enough signatories to bring it into effect.

More than 100 countries participated in an overwhelming vote for the UN Convention on the Non Navigational Uses of International Watercourses in 1997 but only 16 countries, less than half the number needed, have so far signed it.

“It is surprising indeed that with increased conflict over increasingly scarce water expected to be one of the impacts of climate change the forum and its ministerial process did not strongly urge adoption of the only existing global instrument for reducing water conflict,” Mr Leape said.

“We see this global agreement as providing the much needed global framework to drive consistent, equitable and sustainable river basin management.

“But despite efforts to keep the UN Watercourses Convention off the international agenda we are heartened that more and more countries are showing increased interest in moving to adopt it.”

Mr Leape said that the Ministerial Declaration, while not a plan for action, had put on the international agenda the need to preserve environmental flows, the need to ensure participation in water planning and management and the issue of corruption on to the international water agenda

Water availability, quality and predictability are the main ways the majority of the world population will most immediately and most severely feel the impacts of climate change.
“Obviously, we can become more efficient in how we use water and better protect the natural landscapes that provide most people with most of their water,” Leape said.

“But we also must address the global water crisis with serious global action on climate change.”
WWF is campaigning to have the world’s nations sign up to the emissions and deforestation reductions necessary to prevent unacceptable risks of catastrophic climate change at a crucial UN climate conference in Copenhagen in December. The meeting is tasked with coming up to a replacement international agreement to the existing – and clearly inadequate – Kyoto Protocol.

Hundreds of millions around the world are expected to support the campaign next Saturday night by turning their lights off during WWF’s Earth Hour.

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Massive majority want EU timber law

Brussels, Belgium – European citizens overwhelmingly want stricter controls on illegally sourced timber, according to a poll commissioned by WWF and Friends of the Earth (FoE) Europe.

With an overwhelming 92% of respondents believing it is important that a new EU wide law is introduced to halt the trade in illegal timber and timber products on the European market, WWF and FoE Europe are urging the European Parliament and EU governments to act accordingly and adopt a strong legislation without further delay.

According to the survey, carried out with citizens from 14 countries, an average 56% of polled people do not believe that nearly all wood products they buy in the EU are legal with a further 19% not being sure - undermining the efforts of companies that have been trying to crack down on illegally sourced timber and have proved determined to work towards credible and effective solutions.

“Illegal timber is still a major problem in the EU, with an estimated 16-19% of EU imports being illegal or from suspicious sources,” said Anke Schulmeister, Forest Policy Officer at WWF. “We need a specific and effective timber law in the EU, for which it is clear, there is wide public support.”

In Bulgaria, where illegal logging still occurs, 83% of those asked do not believe that the timber they buy is legally harvested and an amazing majority of 97% think it is important to guarantee legality, demonstrating a clear sign that action is needed. Dutch, Czech and Swedish citizens are among the most doubtful about the legality of timber on the EU markets, with more than 80% saying they do not think the timber they buy is legal or are unclear about it.

In the Mediterranean countries, support for the need for legality and new timber laws that can assure it is almost unanimous. Some 98% of Italians and Spanish and 99% of Portuguese want to be sure that the wood they buy is legal and an average of 97% support the introduction of a new European law.

Support for penalties for infringements against any law was strong overall, and particularly from Bulgaria (96%), Mediterranean countries (average 97%), Poland and France (95%) and major timber supplier Finland (91%).

“EU citizens are showing themselves commendably supportive of the needs of local communities in developing countries where illegal logging is the daily practice,” said Anne van Schaik from Friends of the Earth Netherlands.

“Illegal logging leaves these communities with degraded or destroyed forests, disrupted social structures and loss of livelihoods. It is high time the EU takes responsibility and installs legislation to guarantee the legality of all timber products”.

An EU timber regulation is currently being discussed by the European Parliament and Council of Ministers and will be voted on in the next few months.

“Negotiators should acknowledge public opinion and support legislation that gives all players in the timber supply chain clear indications about what they need to do to prove the legality of their timber,” said Anke Schulmeister. “To be fair to those companies that have been trying to operate ethically, the legislation needs to provide more certain consequences to those who continue to flout the rules.”

WWF and Friends of the Earth urge the European Parliament and EU governments to agree on the legislation before the European elections in June.


Source: WWF – World Wildlife Foundation International
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