

Environmental Panorama
April of 2009

Nairobi, 29 April 2009 - From his selection of a top-notch administrative 'green team' in January, to his announcement in February of a stimulus package to jumpstart clean energy and build a green economy, US President Barack Obama has shown environmental leadership in his first 100 days in office.

Significantly, his progressive environmental policies have triggered global optimism that governments might be able to seal a climate change deal in Copenhagen this December.

President Obama's administration has taken bold steps to change the previous administration's climate policies that were not always favorable to the environment.

At UNEP's 25th Governing Council Meeting in Nairobi in February, the US also supported negotiations for a new, legally-binding global mercury treaty.

Speaking at a forum at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in April, director of the White House Office of Energy and Climate Change, Carol Browner urged the U.S. Congress to pass an energy bill to spur the development of renewable energy while curbing the emissions that contribute to global warming.

Crucially, the Obama team recognizes that a Green New Deal and Green Economy can be a vital component in catalyzing a sustainable economic upturn. Obama's $787bn stimulus package contains significant levels of green investment – well over $100bn by some estimates, including billions for refitting existing buildings to make them more energy efficiency, high-speed rail lines and commuter transit and updating the electric grid.

According to UNEP's Global Green New Deal policy brief, these three sectors - renewable energy, energy efficient buildings and sustainable transport - can play an important role in reviving the global economy and boosting employment while accelerating the fight against climate change, environmental degradation and poverty.

All eyes are now on the crucial UN climate convention meeting in Copenhagen in December.As Secretary of State Hilary Clinton pointed out at a Major Economies Forum in Washington D.C on Monday, developed and developing countries alike must devote significant money and political attention to climate change issues, if the Copenhagen conference is to bear fruit.

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Ban, Barroso: urge 'Seal the Deal!'

Nairobi, 29 April 2009 - United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced in Brussels last Thursday that the UN is launching a worldwide climate change campaign under the slogan 'Seal the Deal!'

The campaign aims to galvanize political will and public support towards signing a new UN agreement on climate change, and urges world leaders to act in the best interest of their peoples and the planet by sealing the climate deal.

Mr Ban urged the EU to continue it's leading efforts to push towards the signing of an efective climate change agreement during the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen this December. He said, "We count on the European Union's continued and committed support on this matter. In this regard I would like to inform you that the UN has launched the 'Seal the Deal' campaign towards Copenhagen in December."

In response, European Commission (EC) President, José Manuel Barroso pledged support.

"We have to seal the deal…this is indeed our priority now to Seal the Deal in Copenhagen and I want to tell that we are going to work hand in hand with the United Nations to make that a great success for the future of our planet," said Barroso.
Last Monday, at the Fifth Summit of the Americas in Port of Spain, Mr. Ban stressed swift, equitable action on climate change.

"Bold, visionary leadership is needed to seal a deal in Copenhagen…it must be ambitious, effective and fair. It must offer rich nations a way to cut emissions."

The campaign slogan is "Seal the Deal! Power green growth. Protect the planet".

Norway's Minister of Environment Erik Solheim Named 2009 Champion of the Earth

Erik Solheim, Norway's Minister of Environment and Minister of Development, has been named this year's Champion of the Earth by UNEP for his policy leadership in catalyzing his country's action towards a low carbon society and paving the way for Norway's membership as one of the founders of the Climate Neutral Network.


Source: United Nations Environment Programme
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