

Environmental Panorama
June of 2009

Posted on 19 June 2009 - Waves around Australia and hot rocks beneath it have the capacity to power Australia into a clean energy future and provide tens of thousands of new jobs, according to new reports from WWF. “What we are seeing here is the birth of new industries," said WWF-Australia CEO Greg Bourne.

Power to Change: Australia’s Geothermal Future Power to Change: Australia’s Wave Energy Future Waves around Australia and hot rocks beneath it have the capacity to power Australia into a clean energy future and provide thousands of new jobs, according to two new reports from WWF.

Power to Change: Australia’s Wave Energy Future estimates the the wave energy industry will create 3,210 jobs by 2020, including jobs in local manufacturing and maintenance. By 2050 this figure is expected to grow to 14,380 jobs.

The report was prepared with the assistance of the Carnegie Corporation, whose CETO wave energy demonstration plant in Western Australia is regarded as a world leader in harnessing the oceans to provide clean, baseload renewable energy.

“Australia has the largest and most consistent wave energy resource globally and at least 35 per cent of our current baseload power needs could be generated from the Southern Ocean," said Carnegie Corporation Managing Director Dr Michael Ottaviano.

Meanwhile, Power to Change: Australia’s Geothermal Future, a report prepared in collaboration with the Australian Geothermal Energy Association (AGEA), predicted that more than 17,000 Australians could be employed in the geothermal energy industry by 2050.

“When it comes to geothermal energy, we truly are the lucky country,” said Paul Toni, WWF Program Leader for Sustainable Development. “The energy stored in hot rocks near the Earth’s surface in Australia is a thousand fold what we use each and ever year.”
A key advantage of geothermal energy in the shift to a low carbon economy is the ability to take up some fo the employment slack from declining fossil fuel industries.

“The geothermal energy industry provides opportunities for workers to move from industries like coal, oil and gas into clean energy jobs, as much of the technology and expertise is transferable from one to the other,” said Susan Jeanes, Chief Executive of AGEA

Both technologies are expecting a boost from Australia’s so far fitful moves to putting a price on carbon emissions. They would also benefit from a freeing up of the Renewable Energy Target scheme to embrace more technologies.

“Renewable technologies are the nuts and bolts of Australia’s clean energy future,” said WWF-Australia CEO Greg Bourne.

“What we are seeing here is the birth of new industries that will provide tens of thousands of jobs and a technology and expertise that we can export around the world, as well as renewable energy to power Australia.”

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A dram a day to keep climate change at bay

Posted on 18 June 2009 - Scottish distillers, makers of iconic Scotch whiskies, have agreed to ‘green’ their production processes.
Earlier this month, companies that make up the Scotch Whisky Association unveiled plans to cut their use of fossil fuels by 80 per cent by 2050 - the equivalent of taking 235,000 cars off Scotland’s roads.

“The challenge is there from climate change and we need to respond to that,” said David Rae, managing director of the North British Distillery Company in Edinburgh, who also serves as chairman of the Association’s operations committee. “Our industry has been there for 500 years, and we want it to be around for another 500 years.”

For example, the North British Distillery Company already has established an agreement with a local city council building a new high school to provide heat for the school.

The company has a 10-year agreement to provide hot water from its post-distillation process to the school, supplying 1.5 megawatts of thermal energy, and keeping students and staff warm during the school year. The agreement will help the school displace about 1,400 tons of CO2 emission per year.

In addition, the North British Distillery also is evaluating the potential introduction of an anaerobic digestive process, which will convert its post distillation liquid stream into a renewable energy source. This will in turn be used to generate the distillery’s electricity energy requirements. It is estimated that this process will displace 50,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year, Rae said.

However, whisky connoisseurs can rest easy – the taste and even labelling of their favourite scotch whiskies will not change.

Rae said that whisky producers have agreed that at a brand level, the ‘greening’ of whisky making in Scotland will not become a competitive issue.

In the long-run, the decision to adopt better environmental standards stems from the Scotch whisky’s dependence on Scotland’s clean environment, including access to clean water and good cereals.

“We are an industry that benefits directly from the environment in which we operate,” Rae said.

WWF Scotland's Director, Dr Richard Dixon, said he hoped the whisky industry eventually would raise the environmental targets in key areas, although he praised the move.

"Scotch whisky is world renowned and we welcome plans to reduce the environmental footprint of each and every dram,” Dixon said. “We particularly welcome the fact that they have set themselves targets to reduce their impact. Since the whisky industry relies on Scotland's clean environment for its main ingredients it is important the industry takes steps to reduce its potential impacts.”

The Association’s plan translates to a fossil fuel saving annually by 2050 of more than 1000,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide. Other industry-wide reduction targets include: a significant reduction in the average weight of packaging used; the elimination of sending waste from packaging operations to landfill sites; a commitment to source future whisky casks only from sustainable oak forests; and to maintain the highest standards of water use and discharge management.


Source: WWF – World Wildlife Foundation International
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