

Environmental Panorama
June of 2009

A new report from the Environment Agency today has shown that with over 9000 properties at a significant chance of flooding, Shepway in Kent is one of the top 10 areas in the country with the highest number of properties at significant risk.

A new report from the Environment Agency today has shown that with over 9000 properties at a significant chance of flooding, Shepway in Kent is one of the top 10 areas in the country with the highest number of properties at significant risk.

The Environment Agency today issued new figures showing 1 in 6 homes in England at risk of flooding and warned that this number is set to increase as climate change increases the risk of coastal erosion and flooding from rivers and the sea.

The Shepway area is extremely low-lying with around 24 per cent of properties in the Shepway area at some risk of flooding from the sea and rivers. The Environment Agency and Shepway District Council are working together to reduce flood risk where possible in the area.

In Dymchurch, work on the second stage of a £60 million sea defence project is currently underway. The original defences were at the end of their life and extremely vulnerable. The work to improve defences will significantly reduce flood risk for nearly two and a half thousand homes in the area. Following the Folkestone to Cliff End strategy published in 2008 on how flood and erosion can be managed between Folkestone to Cliff End, the Environment Agency is now hoping to get funding for further schemes at Broomhill Sands, Lydd Ranges and Romney Sands.

Mark Douch, Kent & East Sussex Flood Risk Manager said: “The latest UK climate change data shows that the risk of flooding and coastal erosion around the country will continue to increase in future with rising sea levels and more frequent and heavy storms. We all have to make important decisions about how to manage these risks to protect people, communities, businesses and the economy in future.

“We are working with our colleagues at Shepway District Council to reduce flood risk where we can in the area. Our £60 million scheme in Dymchurch will increase protection to nearly two and a half thousand homes and with several other schemes planned in the area, we hope many more people living in Shepway will soon benefit from improved protection from flooding. But whilst continued investment in managing these risks is crucial, we cannot always prevent flooding. Together with Shepway District Council, we are also working with those communities at risk to help them understand that risk and what measures they can take to prepare for a flood.”

Cllr Robert Bliss, Leader of Shepway District Council, said the council was alert to the risks posed by sea level rise and climate change in a district which has vast tracks of low-lying marshes.

“Our planning blueprint for the future, the Local Development Framework, directs development from areas identified as having the highest flood risk. We cannot change our district’s landscape but we can be alert to the problems facing it and, working in partnership with Environment Agency, we can do as much as we can to mitigate the risks to homes and businesses.”

One of the biggest coast protection schemes ever carried out on the district’s shoreline was completed in 2004. The £13m Hythe to Folkestone Harbour Coast Protection Scheme was designed to significantly reduce the risk of coastal flooding and erosion for the next 50 years and protects around 3,000 homes and commercial assets to an approximate value of £20million.

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Environment Agency help out with hospice gardens

The Environment Agency showed its commitment to both society and the environment by using wood chippings or mulch, created from trees removed during work on the St Neots flood defence scheme, for the Sue Ryder Hospice gardens at Peterborough.

In addition eight members of staff then took advantage of the Environment Agency’s green leave scheme (this enables staff to take a day off to do environmental work with local communities), to carry out work in the hospice gardens. As well as making the best use of the mulch, staff got down on their knees and did all the weeding, digging and pruning to help make the grounds a more beautiful space for patients to enjoy in the summer months.

Victoria Stockwell, Environment Agency project manager for the flood defence scheme, said: "We really wanted to put the mulch generated when the trees were removed to make way for the embankment to good use. By using one of my green leave days to recycle it for the Sue Ryder hospice I feel that both the mulch and my time have contributed to something really special and worthwhile."

Natalie Riddler, fundraising manager for Sue Ryder Care, said: “We were delighted that staff from the Environment Agency gave up their time to help us with the gardening at Thorpe Hall and donated mulch to help maintain our beautiful plants and flowers. At Sue Ryder Care we care for people living with serious illnesses as well as their friends and family and our gardens bring a great deal of comfort and pleasure to all our patients and visitors. We are incredibly grateful for the Environment Agency’s support.”

New trees will be planted in St Neots this Autumn to replace those that were removed at the beginning of the project as part of the flood defence scheme to reduce the flood risk to 115 houses in the area.


Source: Environment Agency – United Kingdom
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