

Environmental Panorama
August of 2009

EA create a new lake and wetland area in Exeter

The Environment Agency in partnership with Exeter and District Angling Association is building two lakes and a wetland to improve biodiversity in Exeter.

The two lakes, opposite the Double Locks pub near Exeter Canal, can be used for angling and general enjoyment of the outdoors.

‘The lakes will be accessible to all the community and improve the biodiversity of the area with increased wildlife for everyone to enjoy. The project is being funded by Environment Agency rod licence sales and Exeter and District Angling Club,’ said Diane Holland from the Environment Agency.

It will also provide the opportunity to learn how to fish in association with the Exeter and District Angling Association.

Work begins this month and the lakes will be opening in early Spring 2011 after the new planting has become established.

There will be some disruption to this section of the canal tow path which will be fenced off along its length but the path will remain open apart from a short closure to install pipe work.

The soil from the parts of the canal banks that have been eroded will be used to widen and reinforce the damaged sections.

A number of willow trees that are damaging the canal structure will be cut back and more trees and shrubs will be planted once construction has been finished.

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Environment Agency finds piranha in Devon river

The Environment Agency has discovered a piranha, a non-native species, in a Mid Devon river

Release of non-native species can harm British wildlife - The Environment Agency today (Friday) warned of the dangers of releasing non-native species into UK rivers after staff discovered a piranha during a routine river monitoring survey.

Environment Agency fisheries specialists spotted a dead piranha in the East Okement tributary of the River Torridge in Devon as they began a survey of fish species using electric fishing equipment.

At 35 cm long, the fearless piranha is commonly found in the Amazon River basin, and is the most ferocious freshwater fish in the world - infamous for its razor sharp teeth and hunting prey in packs.

While piranhas would not survive in UK rivers, the introduction of non-native species poses a serious threat to native wildlife.

Floating pennywort (Hydrocotyle ranunculoides), originally from North America, was brought to Britain in the 1980s as a plant for tropical aquaria and garden ponds. After being released into the wild, it is now starving rivers across the south of England and south Wales of light, nutrients and oxygen. This kills many of the species living in it and also increases the risk of flooding by blocking the waterway.

Other invasive species that are currently a concern for the Environment Agency include:

• river banks being weakened by signal crayfish and Chinese mitten crabs;

• increased flooding risk as a result of dense growth of Japanese knotweed along river banks;

• signal crayfish displacing and killing native crayfish by carrying a deadly fungal disease;

• topmouth gudgeon displacing native fish in lakes;

• the impact of mink on water vole numbers.

An autopsy carried out by the Environment Agency found the Piranha’s stomach was full of sweetcorn suggests it might have been kept as a domestic pet. Environment Agency experts believe the piranha was most likely to have been placed in the river once the fish became too large for its tank, and was found dead as the fish could not tolerate the low temperature of the water.

Fish species which the team would commonly expect to find in the river include salmon, brown trout and less commonly the bullhead, stone loach and minnow.

Mark Diamond, Ecology Manager at the Environment Agency, said:

"Whilst piranhas can’t survive the colder climates of the UK, this latest find highlights a real issue - that releasing unwanted exotic pets or plants into rivers can have serious consequences for native wildlife.

"Rather than dumping things in the wild, we would urge people to seek advice about what to do with exotic species."

Eddie Stevens, one of the three-man monitoring team, from the Environment Agency said:

"What we actually came across was something which we would not expect to find in our wildest dreams - we could hardly believe our eyes.

"After completing 20 metres of the survey a large tail emerged from the undercut bank on the far side of the river. Our first thought was that a sea trout had become lodged in amongst the rocks and debris collected under the bank. But when it was removed from the river we were speechless to find it was a piranha."


Media enquiries: 020 7863 8710 or outside normal office hours, please contact the National Duty Press Officer on 07798 882 092.


• Images of the piranha are available on request from the Press Office.

• In shoals the piranha ambushes its prey, stripping the flesh of large animals such as Anaconda or even Jaguar within minutes. They have also been known to attack humans devouring flesh and bones to leave no trace.

• The average size of the Red Bellied Piranha (Pygocentrus Natteren) is 15-20 cm making the fish found on the East Okement an exceptional size.


Source: Environment Agency – United Kingdom
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