

Environmental Panorama
September of 2009

Posted on 07 September 2009
WWF welcomes today’s announcement by incoming Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama to strengthen the country’s emission reduction target, aiming at 25% cuts from 11000 levels by 2020.

According to the global conservation organization, one of the major industrialized countries raising its ambitions is an important signal at this crucial stage of the international climate negotiations. So far, targets set by the developed world have failed to reach the ambitious levels necessary to protect people and nature from runaway climate change.

“The decision by an important player such as Japan to do more and get serious about low carbon future can help break the deadlock between developed and developing countries,” said Kim Carstensen, the leader of the WWF Global Climate Initiative.

“The climate negotiations are at a critical point and we need urgent progress to get a fair, ambitious and binding deal in Copenhagen this December”,

“Japan has now come into the range of reductions by 25-40% as recommended by the IPCC.”

Hatoyama, Japan’s Prime Minister elect since a landslide victory in the August elections, announced Japan’s new midterm target at a Climate Symposium in Tokyo, in front of Rajendra Pachauri, the 2007 Nobel laureate and Chairman of the IPCC, and Yvo de Boer, Executive Director of the UNFCCC.

The incoming leader further stated that he would confirm his country’s stronger target in his speech at the United Nations General Assembly in New York on 22 September.

“Japan used to be the country driven by industry groups, but now we see a new Prime Minister with true leadership”, said Takamasa Higuchi, CEO of WWF Japan.

“We welcome the courage of Yukio Hatoyama and believe he has the strength to set Japan on track for a low carbon future which will benefit people and nature, both in Japan and worldwide.”

Taro Aso, the outgoing Prime Minister from the LDP, announced a 15% reduction target by 2020 compared to 2005 levels in June 2009, a mere 8% cut compared to 11000 levels. At the time, WWF sharply criticized this weak target.

Now WWF expects the winning DPJ to realize its promises from the election manifesto, including the 25% cut from 11000 levels by 2020. Today’s announcement indicates that the incoming Prime Minister keeps his word.



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