

Environmental Panorama
October of 2009

23/10/2009 - The Department of Extractivism of the Brazilian Ministry of Environment (MMA) is responsible for the Andes Amazon Room at the largest sustainable business fair in Latin America, the ExpoSustentat. The event will be held between October 28 and 30, at the Transamerica Expo Center in São Paulo.

The Andes Amazon Room is a forum to exhibit and share experiences in sustainable business enterprise, sponsored by the MMA in partnership with the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO). It is a regional platform with the aim of promoting sustainable development in the Andes-Amazon region.

This year, the Andes Amazon Room provides a wide range of products for sustainable use of socio-biodiversity from 42 enterprises in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. Twenty Brazilian enterprises will be presented with several products, like rubber, Amazonian fruits (açaí, cupuaçu, guaraná), oils (copaíba, andiroba, buriti), crafts and biojewels.

Since 2005, the MMA, through the Department of the Secretariat of Extractivism and Sustainable Rural Development, has been sponsoring this space to display and exchange experiences in sustainable business.

Originally created only for Brazilian enterprises, since 2007 the fair has a partnership with the ACTO, becoming a space that brings together businesses and other Andean-Amazonian initiatives.

Since 2005, the ExpoSustentat is the only Trade Fair in Latin America that promotes sustainability in synergy with an international event of organic products, the BioFach Latin America. This combination offers visitors and exhibitors a prime opportunity to make contacts and deals with actors from various countries gathered at the same time and place.

ExpoSustentat and BioFach Latin America will be held at Transamerica Expo Center, in São Paulo (Avenida Dr. Mario Villas Boas Rodrigues, 387 - Santo Amaro). For further information, visit

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Conama decides that states and municipalities must inspect vehicles

22/10/2009 - Following the example of the city of São Paulo and the state of Rio de Janeiro, where vehicle inspections for pollution control is a compulsory routine, all Brazilian states and municipalities with more than three million vehicles will be required to have a Vehicle Inspection Plan.

The rule will come into force after the publication in the National Official Gazette - what may happen soon - and it will cover all motor vehicles, motorcycles and similar vehicles, regardless of the type of fuel they use. The inspection program, however, wil be set by each municipality, and without the periodic inspection, vehicles will not obtain the annual license.

After the publication of Conama's resolution, states and mucipalities have a period of 12 months to prepare and submit the plan to state councils of environment. The plan, a guide for the management of vehicular pollution control, should be based on the inventory of emissions from mobile sources and on the monitoring of air quality.

The vehicle inspection in Brazilian cars aims to identify irregularities in vehicles in use. Among them, the deficiencies in the maintenance and modifications of the original design which cause increased emissions.

The expected result is the improvement of the air quality, with the consequent improvement of public health and increased life expectancy of the inhabitants of large cities. The reduction of vehicle emissions directly reflects on the issue of global warming and on the concentration of ozone in the troposphere, the cause of the greenhouse effect.


Source: Brazil - Ministry for the Environment
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