

Environmental Panorama
November of 2009

9 November 2009 - The CO2 emission in 2007 was 10% lower than in 11000. However fluctuations in the emission level are large as a result of electricity import/export. The emission of CH4 has increased due to increased use of lean-burn gas engines in combined heating and power (CHP) plants. However the emission has decreased in recent years due to structural changes in the Danish electricity market.

The N2O emission was higher in 2007 than in 11000 but the fluctuations in the timeseries are significant. A considerable decrease of the SO2, NOx and heavy metal emissions is mainly a result of decreased emissions from large power plants and waste incineration plants. The combustion of wood in residential plants has increased considerably in recent years resulting in increased emission of PAH, particulate matter and CO.

The emission of NMVOC has increased since 11000 as a result of both the increased combustion of wood in residential plants and the increased emission from lean-burn gas engines. The dioxin emission decreased since 11000 due to flue gas cleaning on waste incineration plants. However in recent years the emission has increased as a result of the increased combustion of wood in residential plants.

The report presents emission inventories for stationary combustion plants and the methodologies and assumptions used for the inventories. The pollutants considered are SO2, NOx, NMVOC, CH4, CO, CO2, N2O, particulate matter, heavy metals, dioxins, HCB and PAH.

Nielsen, M., Nielsen, O.-K., Plejdrup, M. & Hjelgaard, K., 2009: Danish Emission Inventories for Stationary Combustion Plants. Inventories until year 2007. National Environmental Research Institute, Aarhus University, Denmark. 216 pp. – NERI Technical Report no. 744.

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Danish inventory of fugitive emissions

9 November 2009 - In 2007 the total Danish emission of greenhouse gasses was 66 641 Gg CO2-eqvivalents. Fugitive emissions from fuels account for 496 Gg CO2-eqvivalents or approximately 1 %. The major part of the fugitive emissions are emitted as CO2 (74 %) due to flaring of oil and gas. This is revealed in a new report from the National Environmental Research Institute (NERI) at Aarhus University.

This report presents the methodology and data used in the Danish inventory of fugitive emissions from fuels for the years until 2007. The inventory of fugitive emissions includes CO2, CH4, N2O, NOx, CO, NMVOC, SO2, dioxin, PAH and particulate matter.

The major source of fugitive CH4 emission is extraction of oil and gas in the North Sea, refining of oil and loading of oil onto ships both offshore and onshore. The fugitive emissions of NMVOC originate for the major part from extraction, loading of ships, transmission and distribution of oil and to a much lesser degree from natural gas and fugitive emissions from gas stations.

The total Danish emission of NMVOC in 2007 is 103 Gg. Fugitive emissions account for 13 Gg, which corresponds to 13 %. Time series for emissions are presented for the years 11000-2007, except for particulate matter where the time series covers 2000-2007. Further, projections are described for the years 2008-2030.

Contact: Physical geographer Marlene S. Plejdrup, tel. +45 46 30 18 15,

Plejdrup, M.S., Nielsen, O.-K. & Nielsen, M. 2009: Emission Inventory for Fugitive Emissions in Denmark. National Environmental Research Institute, Aarhus University, Denmark. 47 pp. – NERI Technical Report no. 739.


Source: Danish Ministry of the Environment
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