

Environmental Panorama
November of 2009

14 November 2009 - A new report mapping the impacts of climate change on Australia’s coastal communities has been released today by the Minister for Climate Change and Water, Senator Penny Wong.

The report – Climate Change Risks to Australia’s Coasts – is the first continental scale mapping of residential buildings at risk from climate change. It also details the risks to coastal infrastructure, services and industry in Australia as a result of climate change.

Senator Wong said many coastal communities were vulnerable to impacts such as sea inundation and erosion. The report shows between 157,000 to 247,600 existing residential buildings will be at risk from sea inundation by 2100, under a sea-level rise scenario of 1.1m.

“This report paints a picture of the widespread impacts of climate change on Australia’s coastlines, and the risks posed to buildings located in coastal areas,’’ Senator Wong said.

“The science tells us our climate is changing faster than first projected and the impacts are likely to be more severe as sea-level rises and extreme storms and floods become more frequent.

“These changes are already happening and we cannot afford to ignore the findings of this report.’’

Major coastal infrastructure that underpins our economy, such as airports and ports, will also be at risk from climate change, the report shows.

“Sea-level rise, more intense cyclones and ocean acidification will potentially increase the capital and operating costs of ports quite significantly by mid century,’’ Senator Wong said.

“A number of airports are also located in low-lying areas in the coastal zone, and are at risk of inundation in the coming century.’’

Senator Wong said the report showed the need to address and start planning for the impacts of climate change.

“Every day we delay action on climate change, we increase the cost,’’ Senator Wong said.

“This report shows the need to reduce the carbon pollution that is causing climate change, which is why we are determined to pass the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme.

“It also shows that Australia must plan to adapt to the climate change we can’t avoid.’’

Senator Wong announced the creation of a seven-member Coasts and Climate Change Council (membership list attached), to be chaired by Professor Tim Flannery.

The Council will engage with the community and stakeholders and advise the Government in the lead up to a Coastal Climate Change Forum, to be held in early 2010. This Forum will bring together all levels of government to develop a strategy for coastal adaptation.

Professor Flannery said the report showed the extent of the climate change challenge facing Australia, and the need for all levels of government to take action now.

“Our coasts are already being impacted by climate change,” Professor Flannery said.

“We can no longer ignore the need to reduce emissions and manage the challenges that climate change poses to our way of life.”

“This report highlights the need for planned, coordinated action to help manage the risks,’’ Senator Wong said.

“State and local governments, business and communities will all need to play a major part to prepare for unavoidable climate change impacts.’’

Climate Change Risks to Australia’s Coasts – A First Pass Assessment is available from the Department of Climate Change web site

Chairman, Professor Tim Flannery – Faculty of Science, Macquarie University
Ms Sam Mostyn – expert in sustainability and risk management
Mr Ron Clarke – Mayor of Gold Coast
Ms Paddi Creevey – Mayor of Mandurah
Professor Barbara Norman – Foundation Chair, Professor of Urban Planning, Faculty of Business and Government, University of Canberra
Professor Bruce Thom – President, Australian Coastal Society
Geoff Lake – President, Australian Local Government Association

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National first: new waste policy & new recycling schemes for TVs, computers and tyres

Media release - 5 November 2009 - At a meeting in Perth today the nation's environment ministers endorsed a new National Waste Policy, the first such national framework charting a ten-year vision for resource recovery and waste management.

The policy includes a landmark scheme for recycling computers and televisions, with householders able to drop off used computers and TVs for recycling free of charge, Federal Environment Minister Peter Garrett announced today.

"Under the new product stewardship scheme, 80 per cent of all TVs and computers are expected to be recycled by 2021," Mr Garrett said.

The Minister said Australia produced 43,777,000 tonnes of waste in 2006-07 - a 31 per cent increase in five years - and with waste levels projected to continue to grow, national leadership in this critical issue was overdue.

"It has been 17 years since these issues were looked at in a national context and we now have a clear path for future action and a huge step up on existing efforts."

The National Waste Policy sets out a comprehensive agenda for national coordinated action on waste across six key areas:

Taking Responsibility
Improving the Market
Pursuing Sustainability
Reducing Hazard and Risk
Tailoring Solutions
Providing the Evidence
"This is a fundamental shift in our approach to waste complementing broader action on climate change and sustainability. It will lead to less waste and better management of waste as a resource, to deliver economic, environmental and social benefits, while ensuring that we continue to manage waste in a safe and environmentally sound manner," Mr Garrett said.

The Minister said the new approach had been developed in consultation and with the support of industry as well as key non-government organisations and he acknowledged their involvement and support in negotiating these crucial breakthroughs.

Computers & televisions
Mr Garrett said the first areas of waste targeted for action will be computers and televisions.

"Ministers today agreed to a groundbreaking product stewardship framework through which computers and televisions will be the first products regulated."

In 2007-08, 16.8 million televisions, computers and computer products reached their end of life, with 84 per cent sent to landfill. Only 10 per cent were recycled.

"If Australia were to continue without any form of product stewardship scheme, projections suggest that approximately 44 million televisions and computers would be discarded in 2028.

"Backed by Commonwealth legislation, a new industry-run national collection and recycling scheme for this growing mountain of electronic waste will be up and running in or before 2011.

"This is a major development in one of our fastest growing areas of waste which sees for the first time computer and television manufacturers taking national responsibility for managing e-waste, and it will be done at minimal cost to consumers," Mr Garrett said.

"The National Waste policy specifically provides for accreditation of industry led schemes, helping to strengthen the arm of industry leaders who want to drive action that sees manufacturers take responsibility for their products when they reach the end of their life.

"Computer and television importers and manufacturers are working with Government to take responsibility for their goods, from cradle to grave."

The Government will provide support to the industry-led collection and recycling scheme by ensuring industry non-participants comply with the same standards as industry members voluntarily participating.

This will ensure that free-riders are unable to gain a financial advantage over those companies that willingly contribute to recycling their own products.

Under the new product stewardship framework there is provision for mandatory, voluntary and co-regulatory schemes. Industry and community organisations that run voluntary schemes will be able to gain accreditation so that the community knows that what they recycle through these schemes will be reused or recycled in an ethical and environmentally safe way.

Used tyres
Ministers also agreed to the development of an industry led scheme for the recycling of used tyres.

In 2007-08, 52.5 million tyres reached their end of life in Australia with 48 per cent being landfilled or illegally dumped. Only 13 per cent were recycled.

"If this trend continues, up to 680 million tyres will be sent to landfill over the next 20 years.

"The Australian Government will lead work with tyre industry stakeholders and state and territory governments to put in place recycling schemes to commence next year to increase recycling rates and prevent tyres going to landfill."

In order to get the scheme's design underway Mr Garrett said a 'Tyres Roundtable' would be convened in the coming weeks with the Australian Tyre Industry Council (ATIC), Australian Tyre Recyclers Association, Minerals Council of Australia, Cement Industry Federation, Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries, Motor Trades Association of Australia, Victorian Automobile Chamber of Commerce and other key industry bodies.

Ministers also agreed to release a report on the state of Australia's waste later this year.

The EPHC communiqué will be available at: .


Source: Australian - Department of the Environment and Heritage
Australian Alps National Park
Australian Antarctic Division
Press consultantship
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