

Environmental Panorama
November of 2009

25 November 2009 - Media statement - Department of Environmental Affairs - WEDNESDAY, 25 NOVEMBER 2009: Rejoice Mabudafhasi, the Deputy-Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs today launched an Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) that not only promotes jobs and training but energy efficiency adaptation as well.

The Kuyasa Clean Development Mechanism Project is the first of its kind in the country and the world’s first Gold Standard Project. It is a pioneering model that will see a sustainable financial mechanism in place to ensure energy efficiency adaptations as standard for low income housing. More than 2000 homes will directly benefit from this initiative.

Mabudafhasi said the project should be seen within the context of Government’s pledge to deliver a better life to all.

“Our democratic government is determined and dedicated to improving the lives of all our people, irrespective of race, religion, creed and so forth. This has motivated us to tackle the scourge of unemployment head-on. We are pulling all the resources at our disposal to achieve this goal.

The Kuyasa housing development is a shinning example of the successes of our endeavours to create a better life for all. In the past fifteen years more than 2, 5 million low-income homes and we are targeting a further 3 million by 2025. The small business development, job creation and community empowerment benefits of the project are massive. The project has created 85 fulltime job opportunities for women, youth and the disabled and over 16 500 temporary jobs. It is encouraging that the community has taken ownership of the project in line with its motto- Siyazenzela (We are doing it for ourselves)”, said Mabudafhasi.

The project aims to reduce fossil fuel based consumption, and hence carbon dioxide emissions. This is done through three interventions in low-income housing units. These are the installation of solar energy heaters, the retrofitting of compact fluorescent light bulbs and the introduction of ceiling insulation. The benefits of the project are multi-faceted. These include reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and respiratory-related diseases and saving in the cost of energy services

The energy savings of the project allows it to be registered as a CDM under the Kyoto Protocol. This means it gains carbon credits. As part of the business plan, income generated from the CDM’s Carbon Emission Reduction certificates allows for the creation of a non-profit trust for the maintenance of the solar water heaters. This creates more employment opportunities in the long-term. The
success of this project is likely to lead to the retrofitting of the country’s other two million low-cost homes and further promote energy saving, emissions reductions and the local manufacture of solar heaters.

Mabudafhasi said the extensive use of the clean development mechanism intervention will lead to the reduction of pollution caused by the use of non-renewable energy sources.

“We simply cannot afford not to roll-out energy efficiency intervention in the low income housing sector. Currently, an estimated three million households make use of firewood to meet their basic energy requirements. There is huge potential to increase the contribution of renewable energy to the total energy mix. This can only contribute to improving the lives of all the people.”

Mabudafhasi is the chairperson of the Global Network of Women Ministers and Leaders of Environment.

Deputy Minister Mabudafhasi’s speech can be accessed through this link.
Sello Mabotja

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25 November 2009 - Media statement - Department of Environmental Affairs - WEDNESDAY, 25 NOVEMBER 2009: A total of 4661 environmental cases were reported nationally for the period 01 April 2008 to 31 March 2009. During this period the total number of criminal dockets registered was 2412 compared with 1762 in the previous reporting period.

This was announced by the Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs, Ms Buyelwa Sonjica today during the release of the National Compliance and Enforcement Report (NCER) 2008/09 in Pretoria. The report provides a national overview of environmental compliance and enforcement activities undertaken by the relevant institutions across the country during the period 01 April 2008 to 31 March 2009.

At a national level a total of 2 547 summons and arrests were recorded. The report indicates that nationally 258 convictions were obtained for the period, compared with 748 in the previous reporting year. This decrease in convictions is a cause for concern, particularly in light of the increase in the total number of criminal dockets registered during the year under review. Many cases have experienced substantial delays within the prosecution system, confirming the urgent need for dedicated courts to deal with these types of cases.

What is positive is the total number of acquittals which decreased from 441 the previous year to 18 in 2008/ 09.

The total number of admission of guilt fines nearly doubled from 2007 / 08 from R 744 706 to approximately R 1, 4 million in 2008/09. A significant volume of environmental enforcement work is undertaken through the use of administrative enforcement tools such as directives and compliance notices and it is clear from the figures that there has been an increase in the total number of directives issued (to take corrective action) from 246 in the previous year to 273.

The total amount of money paid in relation to section 24 G administration fines has more than doubled from about R 6,8 million to nearly R 15, 5 million. These fines are paid as part of the administrative process to rectify the illegal commencement EIA listed activities.

The report reflects the work of all environmental compliance and enforcement officials operating at a national and provincial level, with certain sections focusing particularly on the Environmental Management Inspectorate (Green Scorpions). For more information on the EMI click on

There has also been an increase in the number of EMI’s on the national register from 866 to 903. EMI’s are located within the national and provincial environment departments, SANParks, Isimangaliso Wetland Park, Cape Nature, Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife as well as the Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency.

Marine and Coastal Management (a branch of the Department of Environmental Affairs) recorded the highest number of convictions at 206.

In terms of industrial compliance and enforcement, following on from sector specific work conducted in the previous year, further inspections were undertaken at facilities that had not been previously inspected as part of Operation Ferro and the refineries project. Such inspections continue to detect non-compliance related to exceedances in emissions, illegal waste sites and contraventions of conditions across the range of authorizations. While commitment to address these issues has been received in response to the inspection findings, with fairly drastic measures in some cases, enforcement action needs to be stepped up.

The blitz on the cement sector identified dust pollution as the major problem. Following the inspections, management of all nine facilities committed to addressing this issue for instance by upgrading air pollution abatement equipment and further investigating possible fugitive dust emission sources as well as measures to minimize air pollution. The Paper and Pulp Sector also came under the spotlight with a number of facilities being inspected towards the end of the reporting period.

Capacity building for EMIs, magistrates and prosecutors continues to be a priority for the Department of Environmental Affairs. In 2008 the EMI basic training was presented by three tertiary institutions, namely University of South Africa, University of Pretoria and Cape Peninsula University of Technology. Just over 140 officials received basic training during this period. In 2008 / 09 53 officials attended a two day training course by the United Kingdom Environment Agency. Six officials traveled to the UK on a fellowship programme to gather skills and knowledge in relation to criminal investigation, industrial compliance inspections and prosecution of environmental crimes.

Countrywide workshops with magistrates and prosecutors continue to provide a platform for EMIs to highlight their challenges in the enforcement of environmental legislation. In 2008 / 09 five workshops were conducted. Magistrates and prosecutors are also exposed to the daily work environment of local EMIs. A process is currently underway to develop a Magistrate’s Benchbook on Environmental crime, following a similar publication for prosecutors.

The Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) between the South African Police Services and the EMI was finalized and launched in February 2009. This SOP sets out the respective roles and responsibilities of the two law enforcement agencies in relation to the investigation of environmental crimes. This is aimed at providing a sound platform from which more effective criminal enforcement can take place.

A number of steps are now in motion in order to address many of the challenges experienced in effectively enforcing the environmental laws. A meeting between the Minister of Justice, Jeff Radebe, and Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs, Buyelwa Sonjica, in September 2009 resulted in the decision to move forward with the process of re-establishing environmental courts. Officials within the relevant Departments are now working on the details and processes which will be submitted to the Ministers for consideration. It is envisaged that the establishment of dedicated courts (including dedicated prosecutors) would have a profound impact on the fight against environmental crime.

The commencement of new legislation such as the NEM: Waste Act and the various Environmental Laws Amendment Acts during 2009 should now provide additional tools to ensure effective enforcement and compliance monitoring. These amendments have resulted in an increase and standardization of maximum penalties for environmental offences from hundreds of thousands of rands to 5 years / R 5 million for a first offence and 10 years / R10 million for a second or subsequent offence. Many of the provisions in the amendments are focused on compliance and enforcement issues and were driven by proposals made by the implementers of the legislation (magistrates, prosecutors and EMIs).

The Minister further urges members of the public to report environmental incidents and crimes to the 24 hour hotline. The line has seen a decline in reported cases from 333 to 219. Minister Sonjica reiterated the important role of citizens in assisting the department to clamp down on offences.

The hotline number is 0800 205 005.

To access the NCER 2008 – 09 report click on the link below:

Note to Editors: The Ministry of Water and Environmental Affairs comprises of two separate departments. The departments are: Department of Water Affairs and Department of Environmental Affairs.
For media queries contact:
Albi Modise (Chief Director: Communications)


Source: South African Environmental
Press consultantship
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