

Environmental Panorama
December of 2009

18 December 2009 - Environment Minister Peter Garrett today announced that the listing of three shark species as migratory species under the national environment law would be very unlikely to affect catch and release fishing.

Mr Garrett said under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 the Government was obligated to list the porbeagle, longfin mako and shortfin mako sharks once the species was listed on Appendix II to the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS).

“The national environment law – the EPBC Act - makes it clear that where a species is listed on the CMS Australia must include them in our national list of migratory species.

“While the EPBC Act is currently the subject of a review, it currently provides no flexibility for domestic judgments about whether a species listed on the CMS should or shouldn’t be listed under the Act.

“However, the Government is conscious that listing these species as migratory under the EPBC Act could have significant implications for recreational fishers in Commonwealth marine areas where the mako are targeted for catch and release fishing.

“As catch and release activities, when carried out properly, are not likely to have a significant impact on populations of these shark species they equally are unlikely to be subject to enforcement action.”

Mr Garrett said the Government recognised that globally many populations of mako sharks were depleted, however there was no evidence suggesting that Australian populations are similarly threatened.

“We will therefore be working with fishery managers to improve data on mako and porbeagle sharks in Australian waters in order that we can ensure that we make future decisions about these species based on the best available science.”

The Minister said the listing of the species was expected to occur on 29 January 2010.

Commercial take of mako and porbeagle sharks will only be permitted where fishers are acting in line with arrangements accredited under the EPBC Act. The Government is reviewing existing accreditations to ensure they remain adequate in light of the listing of mako and porbeagle sharks.

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New southern Basin water purchasing for 2009-10

14 December 2009 - A total of $270 million in new water purchasing initiatives in the Murray-Darling Basin has been announced today by the Acting Minister for Water, Peter Garrett.

A series of three short tenders of $90 million each will be conducted in the southern connected River Murray system in the first half of 2010.

"The first of the tenders in the southern connected Basin will open on 11 January 2010 and close on 29 January 2010," Mr Garrett said.

"Following this, the two subsequent tenders are scheduled to open for three weeks each commencing in March and April 2010 respectively."

Mr Garrett said the new tender rounds formed part of the Government's $3.1 billion commitment to buy water from the market to put back into the rivers of the Murray Darling Basin.

"By purchasing water from willing sellers and investing in irrigation infrastructure, we are smoothing the transition for irrigation communities as they adjust to new, lower limits on water use that we can expect under the Basin Plan," Mr Garrett said.

"Across the Murray Darling Basin, the current challenges posed by drought and climate change have been compounded by decades of mismanagement."

A decision on 2009/10 water purchase tender opportunities elsewhere in the Basin will be made in early 2010.

The 2009/10 tender plan has been designed to improve the transparency of the water purchasing program. At the end of each tender, once the assessment is complete, the Department will publish information about the average price paid in the most recent tender for the various entitlement types.

As at 30 November 2009, the Australian Government had secured the purchase of 651 billion litres of water at a cost of $1.01 billion.

Guidelines and the application form will be available in January prior to the opening of the tender. For copies of the guidelines and application form call 1800 218 478 or visit Applications cannot be submitted earlier than 11 January 2010.


Source: Australian - Department of the Environment and Heritage
Australian Alps National Park
Australian Antarctic Division
Press consultantship
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