

Environmental Panorama
December of 2009

Posted on 12 December 2009 - Putting in the numbers is where we can bridge the divide between the ambitions governments have shown so far and what we really need to do to stay out of the climate catastrophe zone.
Copenhagen, Denmark – Negotiators at the UN climate summit have delivered a framework that can be developed to ensure a fair, ambitious and binding Copenhagen climate deal, WWF said yesterday.

“It is the job of the ministers now arriving to fill in the numbers against both the cuts in emissions and the money to make the deal possible,” said Kim Carstensen, leader of WWF’s global climate initiative.

“Putting in the numbers is where we can bridge the divide between the ambitions governments have shown so far and what we really need to do to stay out of the climate catastrophe zone.”

WWF warned that texts presented by the chairmen of the negotiating group don’t answer questions on the legal format of the future agreement.

“Adding ambitious numbers to the framework texts and purging the remaining loopholes that could undermine the integrity of the deal is important”, said Carstensen,“but to make it a reliable and watertight, we also need to have it legally binding.”

Carstensen said ministers and later heads of state would be able to address issues that negotiators had little freedom to move on.

“If we can bridge the divide between what the developed nations are prepared to do and what the emerging and developing world want to see happen, we will have a Copenhagen climate deal,” Carstensen did. “Clearly there has to be action on all sides for the greater global outcome.

“For the wealthy world, the science and the equity arguments all point to increased cuts in emissions and more money on the table for those who have contributed little to the problem of climate change but will suffer the most of the consequences.”

“From the emerging economies we welcome the commitments made, but we need their efforts to be included in and measured as part of the global effort.”

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“Don’t get distracted,” WWF urges ministers

Posted on 14 December 2009 - Copenhagen, Denmark – Ministers arriving for the high level segment of the UN climate summit in Copenhagen are being urged to not get distracted from a goal of preserving the world from climate catastrophe.

WWF called on ministers to adopt a shared vision where the rise in average global temperature rise was limited to below two degrees and stabilises at 1.5 degrees.

“To minimize the risk of overshooting two degrees, WWF believes any measures decided at this conference should be subjected to a science review finishing no later than 2015,” said Kim Carstensen, leader of WWF’s global climate initiative.

“This review, to see if what we are doing matches what we need to do, needs to be part of the agreement.”
In WWF’s view, the Copenhagen outcome should be legally binding on parties and consist of a an amended Kyoto Protocol with new and adequate emissions reductions targets for developed countries, and a new, linked Copenhagen Protocol establishing the international legal framework around climate action in the US and in developing countries.

“Any agreement on funding needs to deal not only with fast start funding, but must also specify how the immediate funding can be used to create the capacity and the institutions needed to be able to handle rapidly growing levels of funding in coming years.

“The agreement should also detail new sources of funding such as levies on international aviation and shipping and auctioning of carbon pollution permits, and it should make clear how and through what institutions the money should be distributed.”

WWF believes that there is a need to establish an international methodology to track emission reductions both in developed and developing countries.

“Parties must clearly state what their real reductions are, and the data must be clear and transparent and must follow agreed international standards” Carstensen said. “The overall objective must be to lay the basis for an outcome that will put the world on track to a less than two degree future.”


Source: WWF – World Wildlife Foundation International
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