

Environmental Panorama
December of 2009

Emissions linked with deforestation and forest degradation may account for close to 20 per cent of current global greenhouse gas emissions.

Against this backdrop, UNEP is part of the international effort to prepare developing economies for a REDD regime. Through the UN-REDD Programme, a partnership between UNEP, the Food and Agricultural Organization and the United Nations Development Programme, nine countries are being made ready for REDD.

The Programme is supporting those countries through appropriate methodologies, monitoring and verification systems and safeguards in order to ensure REDD delivers value not only in climate and national economic terms but in terms of livelihoods for local communities. Methodologies, monitoring and verification techniques are being tested in western Kenya, China, Niger and Nigeria. It should soon allow farmers and landowners to benefit from carbon sequestration of different farming and land management regimes including agroforestry.

By some estimates a country such as Indonesia could generate revenues of around $1 billion a year initially if deforestation rates are halved.

UNEP is ready to support Member States in gearing up their economies to incorporate REDD and REDD+ measures into national climate, development and sectoral strategies.

Clean Technology Readiness

Other than offering best way to achieve immediate and sustained reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, investing in low-carbon energy alternatives and reducing emissions from inefficient energy consumption also make economic and environmental sense.

However, although many low-carbon technologies are already commercially viable, transferring them to new markets and mainstreaming their use globally remains a challenge.

To bridge this gap, UNEP and its collaborative partners come in. UNEP and partners are already delivering clean tech via smart market mechanisms. In India, for example, UNEP in collaboration with the United Nations Foundation, the Shell Foundation and Indian banks have brought down the cost of solar technology loans. Within a matter of a few years, 100,000 people have accessed solar electricity in rural areas and the initiative is now self-financing.

Another success story is a pioneering project with funding from the Global Environment Facility to deliver more efficient geothermal exploration in East Africa. The penetration of solar water heater systems in North Africa has also been pioneered by UNEP and partners with the critical linking of loans to electricity utility bills: the key to unlocking the market.

Meanwhile, UNEP has undertaken renewable energy mapping assessments, helping 15 developing countries determine their solar and wind potential and devise policies to tap these clean energy sources. The organization has launched an effort to help more than 35 countries determine the specific low greenhouse gas technologies best able to meet their development needs and prepare national plans to acquire and use those technologies.

To complement its work on policies, UNEP is also helping more than 25 countries identify and overcome financial and other barriers that hinder the financing of cleaner technologies.

In terms of catalysing a set of global norms and standards, UNEP is currently working in four sectors: energy efficiency in building, vehicle fuel efficiency, efficient lighting, and biofuels.


Source: United Nations Environment Programme
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