

Environmental Panorama
February of 2010

12/02/2010 - About 500 people of fifty nationalities will be in Brasília, from June 5 to 10, to discuss the environment, during the 1st Children and Youth International Conference - Let's take care of the planet. Aged between 12 and 16 years, the teenagers will debate global environmental problems, with the focus on climate change.

Unlike adult conferences, where public policies are proposed and discussed, at this Conference the participants will publish the Charter of Responsibilities. By participating in recreational activities, practical workshops, intercultural and intergenerational dialogues, they make a commitment to make the planet a better place, promoting sustainable actions to be implemented locally and globally. The event also allows children and young people from different countries to take part in the global commitments, taking responsibility for building sustainable societies.

The international conference is promoted by the ministries of Environment and Education, and it is based on the Brazilian experience in the organization of three national conferences for children and adolescents on the theme.

By agreeing to participate in the Conference, each country undertakes to implement its national phase. Discussions begin mobilizing school students, teachers and local communities about the benefits of the preserved environment.

The international phase allows educators and young people to share their experiences in their communities and countries, and to draw up a charter of responsibilities and actions. The International Conference happens within the scope of the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014) of the UN.

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Book that gathers forest data is available for download

19/02/2010 - The area of natural forests, deforestation rates and characteristics of biomes are some of the information gathered in the book Forests of Brazil at a glance, published by the Brazilian Forest Service. The publication, with nearly 60 tables and 20 maps, is available for download in the website, in Portuguese and in English.

The book provides an overview of the forestry sector in Brazil. It begins with the explanation of basic concepts and shows the importance of the forest wealth to the country. There are also explanations on the forest management and the role of federal agencies, such as MMA, Forest Service, IBAMA and ICMBio.

Regarding the market, the book shows that the forest-based sector generates approximately US$ 37 billion and is responsible for about 3.5% of the GDP.

Countries such as Australia, Finland, Chile, United States and Canada have already published this kind of book. To the director of the Brazilian Forest Service, Antônio Carlos Hummel, it will be of great benefit to all those interested in conservation and management of forest resources in Brazil.


Source: Brazil - Ministry for the Environment
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